
Long Awaited Reunion

In a home near Nottingham sits a petite witch with light-colored eyes and mousy flaxen-colored hair named Claret. The elaborate clock sitting on the mantelpiece ticks slowly. She sighs at the time revealing a pair of slightly crooked teeth. Her two sons, Iarx and Ilx are off with her mother-in-law, Urlaa in Diagon Alley. They had no doubt stopped at Florean Fortescue's to enjoy an ice cream cone and spoiled their dinner.

Claret subconsciously rubs her index finger on her right hand. She pauses and glances down at seeing her wedding ring. Old sorrow fills her eyes as she takes a deep breath. It had been nearly three years since Urlort had passed. Her sons had only been six and four then and now Iarx was 9 years old and Ilx five years old. So much had changed including herself.

It had only been recently that Claret found herself feeling lonely. Her mother-in-law, Urlaa greatly approved of a remarriage arguing that her son (and Claret's husband) Urlort would not have opposed her remarriage. Urlaa argued that her two grandsons needed a father figure in their life. Never mind the fact that Bogrod (the elderly brother of Urlaa) was a male figure in their lives. Then again, Bogrod was rather old and could not keep up with the boundless energy of two young boys.

Claret had stopped loving Urlort, a part of her would always love him. However, she felt rather alone at times. She wanted to be herself with someone who would appreciate her jokes and cackling laughter (or so she had been told). She wanted a friend, not a lover. She was not seeking to remarry, but rather a platonic relationship.

A loud knock at the door startles Claret out of her thoughts. She hurriedly trots across the rich Persian carpets that had been gifted to her by mother-in-law for their marriage home. She opens the door eagerly expecting her sons and mother-in-law only to find a very elderly female goblin with pointed ears and a fierce scowl on her face.

With a loud sniff, Wulm impatiently barks, "These old bones of mine aren't getting any younger!"

Claret dumbly steps aside and permits the elderly goblin to step aside. Grumbling Wulm takes a seat on the comfiest-looking furniture. Settled down, Wulm arches her brow at the witch. "Where are your manners, girl? Have you forgotten them?!"

Reflexively Claret hurries to obey preparing tea and a platter of snacks. As she prepares the tea and snacks it occurs to her that she recognizes the elderly goblin as a goblin council member and master craftsman. However, more importantly, she was the great-great-great aunt of Urlort. Wulm had been among those who vehemently opposed their marriage and all but disinherited Urlort upon their marriage. Yet why was Wulm here this evening?

With no small measure of apprehension Claret returns to the front parlor with the prepared platter. With care, she pours tea for the two of them before sitting down across from the elderly goblin. Uncertain of how to broach the subject, Claret fiddles with her tea.

After enjoying a snack and some tea, Wulm nosily sets her teacup on the saucer. She smacks her lips, before saying, "Well undoubtedly you are wondering why I am here?" She fixes Claret with a stern eye.

Claret slowly nods her head in return. "I was under the impression that you were greatly displeased by the union of Urlort and me."

"Indeed," Wulm readily acknowledged. "I had witnessed the marriage of Urlaa's aunt, who married a wizard by the name of Flitwick. Their marriage born out of love was not without struggle and much prejudice against them. Although a successful dueling champion and Professor of Charms at Hogwarts, Filius Flitwick did not have it easy as a child. I did not wish to see a repeat in the descendant of my brother and so I did all I could to dissuade Urlort from his marriage to you."

"I had meant to put things right between us before my death," Wulm quietly said with regret, "but then Urlort left this world first." She sighed tiredly looking far more her age. "I am an old, stubborn goblin set in her ways, Claret, but I did wrong by you and Urlort. If it is possible, I wish to make amends for my prior actions."

Claret is stunned and remains silent for some time to the great discomfort of Wulm. "A part of me is stunned and angry," Claret admitted. "Urlort loved you, Wulm. He would always recount tales of you to our children and the fond memories he had of you. My children deeply wished to meet you, but the opportunity was denied to them for merely existing."

Wulm winces at the curt statement but does not speak up to defend herself. She more than apply deserved the jibe. It wasn't as though it was a lie.

"However, Urlort always did wish to make amends with you, Wulm," Claret said with a sad smile. "He dearly wanted you to be a part of our children's lives just as you had been a part of his. And for his sake and my children's, I will accept you becoming a part of our lives."

Moisture gathers in the folds of Wulm's eyes, but she rapidly blinks the moisture away. A drop of tea must have splattered into her eye. She was just going to rub the darn drop of tea away!

Each in their own thought, the two of them fill the silence with tea and food. After some time, Wulm is composed once more. Trusting herself to speak again, she glances around and listens only to find silence except for the ticking of the clock. "Are the children not home?"

"Mother-in-law took the boys to Diagon Alley as a treat," Claret fondly replied recalling the delight on the faces of her sons as they happily departed with their grandmother hand in hand.

"Mm, thought as much," Wulm sniffed gripping her teacup in hand. "It was much too quiet with two boys scampering about."

"Yes, there is always something going on with the two of them," Claret chuckled. "However, they are good boys and never push their limits."

"Says you," Wulm murmured under her breath before taking another sip of her cooling tea. It was what all mothers said about their children. Grok Gringotts was the most infuriating brat she had ever met! Yet his mother was always constantly seeing his praise! Lies!

Happy Easter! One more chapter will be posted later today!

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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