
Giant Attack on the Ministry of Magic

The earth began to tremble and shake as the giants entered London. Most of the citizens were already sound asleep and the rest paid no mind to the shaking assuming it was the metro or some sort of late-night construction. With the thick cloud of fog hanging over London, the giants were able to safely enter London and make their way through the streets. Some of the streets cracked and broke under the weight before they arrived at the seedy pub neatly sandwiched between a book shop and record shop that hadn't been there before.

"Destroy the pub, half-breed," Dolohov viciously ordered revealing a bloodthirsty grin on his pale face.

Wurfbog sneers in irritation revealing his shark-teeth filled mouth, before raising his giant club overhead. With a loud whistling sound, the giant club encrusted with deadly sharp dragon talons and spikes descends upon the Leaky Cauldron. The Leaky Cauldron lets out a painful groan as the wards in place activate. Inside the grubby bar wizards and witches begin to scream and shout in panic.

The hunched-back bartender throws the back door open and shouts, "FLEE FOOLS!" The bizarre assortment of customers hurries out through the back door and towards the wall that leads into the Diagon Alley. A panicked customer taps their wand three up and two across as a small hole appears. Screams of panic and terror suddenly are heard as the customers turn back to see a giant club descent directly overhead.

From the shop directly in front of the Diagon Alley entrance, the shopkeeper who was just closing the shop emerges from the front door to lock the front door with a large bronze key. The wizard with very bushy eyebrows mouth flops at seeing the sight before him. In his panic, he crashes into the brightly glistening stack of cauldrons for sale of his neighbor causing the neighboring shopkeeper to emerge in a fury to give the clumsy clout a piece of his mind. The neighboring shopkeeper's mouth snaps shut before he can even begin to rant upon witnessing the horrific sight before them.

The wards of the Leaky Cauldron flare one last time as the entrance to the Diagon Alley widens until a large archway forms leading to the cobbled street on the other side. The bizarre assortment of customers scrambled for safety. The two shop owners begin to flee with the rabble but pause only to knock on the door of a few neighbors to warn them, before hurrying away in terror. Screams and shouts can be heard as the crowd nearly tramples over each other in their haste to escape.

A few patrons that had escaped from the Leaky Cauldron came to a halt further down the street halt believing that they are finally safe. These breathless patrons pause to catch their breath only to see still trailing behind them at a distance is the hunched back figure of Tom, the old bartender, and owner of the Leaky Cauldron.

One of the customers lets out a shriek and points as the club descends for a third time upon the Leaky Cauldron. The exhausted wards of the Leaky Cauldron fail and with a crushing moan, the Leaky Cauldron is pulverized into smithereens. Not all the customers had gotten out of the Leaky Cauldron especially, those residing for the night upstairs in the inn's bedrooms. The resting guests had elected to ignore the shaking of the Leaky Cauldron until it was too late. They were unwittingly dead just like that without ever so much as having a chance to defend themselves.

A bitter sickly metallic scent fills the air as red liquid creeps out of strange and obscure places. A few customers turn green and hastily turn aside and begin to spew onto the cobbled stone streets. The end of the spiked club had reached past the Leaky Cauldron and easily caught and smashed Tom, the old bartender of the Leaky Cauldron into nothing but a red messy smear. The rest of the observers begin to flee as the word from the fleeing crowd begins to spread like wildfire through Diagon Alley past Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour and even into Knockturn Alley.

The sharp club rises with a hungry groan into the air dripping red mush onto the broken cobblestone ground. Wurfbog's eyes gleam in a predator manner and cocks his head at the giants following them. "Widen the entry," he growls in order.

Two large giants move forward in obedience among them is a younger giant named Karkus. The giant was twenty-three feet tall with his weight equivalent to several bull elephants. His skin was as tough as rhino hide with powerful forearms for crushing. Despite his girth, he was rather nimble for his large size. However, unlike Wurfbog, Karkus took no pleasure in the events that were to take place that night. That is not to say he was not violent nor homicidal, but he rather liked wizardkind. He found wizardkind food tasty and their gifts interesting. For that sole reason alone, he was interested in the reconciliation of giants and wizards.

Yet even those giants who shared the same interest as Karkus were not willing to disobey, their Gurg, Wurfbog. Any giant that had even dared to question or defy Wurfog had been killed in the most painful manner possible including being eaten alive. And frankly, Karkus knew that he could never hope to defeat Wurfbog and live. He and the rest of the giants had no choice but to obey their Gurg, Wurfbog lest they be killed and eaten.

Karkrus approaches Diagon Alley with fists raised but is forced to pull back as a youth eagerly moves forward to attack the enchanted ward wall. The teen only half-grown, but he eagerly attacked the wards with his fists. Golomath was already fifteen feet tall and would likely grow to be twenty-five feet at his full height. The teen full-blooded giant eagerly followed the ways of their bloodthirsty Gurg, Wurfbog. His teeth had begun to darken to a brown and would one day in the future turn black. He already wore a bone necklace around his necklace with a few of his kills, but he aimed to add more. The teen was savage and ferocious with a strong fervent desire for slaughter.

Wurfbog impatiently motions for Karkrus to move Golomath away. Karkrus snorts and shoves the young giant away. "Useless," he grunted and began to fervently punch at the wards causing them to loudly crackle and sparkle like a fierce thunder and lightning storm.

Golomath is furious and glares at the large giant vowing to take revenge, before retreating in humiliation back to his original position. As the younger giant passes Wurfbog, he kicks the youth in the ribs strong enough to crack ribs. With a painful grunt, Golomath falls to the ground with a loud thud cradling his aching ribs.

"Know your place, runt," Wurfbog snarled returning his attention to the wards before him.

Dolohov lets out a pleased cackle and smiles maliciously at the young giant in sheer amusement. It never failed to amaze him the stupidity of these mangy creatures. But what could be expected of such beasts?

Humiliated Golomath limps to his feet clutching his side with one hand. The other giants merely shake their heads at the foolish halfling. Not yet fully grown and the halfling had foolishly rushed ahead. The halfling was lucky their Gurg had not taken a limb in punishment.

With Golomath having retreated, Karkus and the other giant did not pull their punches pummeling the ward with all their might. The ward sparkles and thunders even more dramatically until cracking sounds can be heard. The customers that had escaped the Leaky Cauldron had fled long ago. Some ran towards the floo hearth's, while others sought safety at the Ministry of Magic. By the time, they reached the front steps, the Auror's and A.P.D. began to emerge from the Ministry of Magic as alarms had begun within headquarters of the Diagon Alley wards falling under attack.

The Auror's motioned for the citizens to seek cover inside the Ministry of Magic as they mounted emergency defenses. Before sufficient preparation could be completed, the wards with a thundering crash failed. The Diagon Alley entrance is easily torn and enlarged for a giant to pass through. Karkus and the other giant step back permitting for their Gurg to come forth and lead at the helm.

"Kill and Feast!" Wurfbog roared before stomping eagerly forward. Dolohov hurdles ahead as the giants stampeded after them causing the earth to shake. The record shop and book shop loudly shatter as they are trampled beneath the feet of the storming giants. The ground violently shakes as the giants rush forward while the truly impatient giants try to lumber through the Diagon Alley shops only for the wards to flare up.

The shop wards would be easily destroyed, but giants at times are simple-minded creatures. The impatient giants quickly gave up on destroying the shops believing it to be much easier to traverse Diagon Alley using the cobblestone pathways. The earth dizzyingly trembles as the giant's figures grow clearer as they approach swiftly through the mist with hunger in their eyes. Many of the giants were half-starved from their impossible trek across the world and they hungered to feast upon flesh be it beast or human. It was all the same to them for food was simply moving food.

The giant Karkus, the Gurg that is mentioned in HP, before being murdered by Golomath, Karkus likely fought in the first wizarding war. Karkus would have been old enough and it would also explain why is not necessarily opposed to peace when Hagrid and Madam Maxime went to negotiate with him during the 2nd Wizarding War. That and the fact that he like human things. For that same reason, Golomath likely would have been a teen not much of use during the war and hence the reason why he survived the 1st Wizarding War. He certainly hates wizards and for that same reason, he joined Voldemort during the 2nd Wizarding War.

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