
Culling Aftermath Ⅺ

As a child, Peregrine had not seen an issue in playing with the house elf children. However, now as an adult, he understood that it was not a normal occurrence for pureblood households especially to the degree that his mother had permitted it. He now understood the reason for it, his mother had wished for him to bond with his half-sister, Tilly. In the end, he too had failed his childhood friend unknown half-sister, but he would not fail in protecting her son, his nephew.

With a determined expression, Peregrine pointedly asked his mother. "Who else knows of Tilly's existence beyond the Rowle household?" He would protect Edwyn, no matter what the cost. For he was for better or for worse, a Mulciber.

"Livius Rowle should be the only one that knows of the secret, and perhaps his deceased son, Thorfinn. Not his wife through as he never trusted her piggy-like greed," Meredith pursed her lips as she mused out loud. "Though with the death of his son, he very may have begun to entrust his secrets to his only remaining child, his daughter, Euphemia Rowle."

Meredith turned a sharp gaze onto her son. "Do not make the mistake of underestimating the Rowle family," she sternly warned her son. "They are not a member of the sacred 28 families for no reason, and their penchant for cruelty and fanaticism is immeasurable. Should you attempt to bribe or even threaten them, they will cling to that weakness until they devour you whole in their stead."

"Then what should be done, mother?" Peregrine flatly asked. "A loose end like them will surely come to bite us in the end."

"There is no need for such concerns, my son," Meredith firmly disagreed. "Tilly is dead, and none know of Edywn's birth except for the two of us and Beat. Beat will not betray Edwyn's secret for he too is the child's uncle. He understands only too well that Edwyn would not survive as a house elf as he is only a 1/3 house elf and lacks the required abilities of house elves beyond a natural talent for appariation. My grandson is a wizard and he will be raised as such."

"But his ears-," Peregrine protested.

"There are potions to fix such things," Meredith confidently replied. "However, I will leave it up to Edwyn to decide. I will not have my grandson feeling lesser than for simply having a different pair of ears."

"And if someone asks," Peregrine began to say only to be interrupted by his mother again.

"We will remind everyone of the half-goblin heiress that wed into their family over 500 years ago as part of the goblin treaties. Though rare, the pointed ear trait still appears every or so generations!" Meredith firmly retorted. "As long as you acknowledge him, Peregrine as head of the Mulciber family, none will dare say otherwise."

"I will, mother," Peregrine resolutely answered. "I would also like to speak to my betrothed, Rosie Greengrass in private regarding the subject."

"The child is kind, I doubt she will be opposed," Meredith opinioned, before adding, "That being said, there is something else that I wish to ask of you."

"What is it, mother?" Peregrine asked with some apprehension.

"Beat is rather subversive thanks to your father and brother," Meredith quietly explained. "I would send him to Hogwarts to be trained, but I will not separate him from Edwyn at this time, I do not believe it to be prudent. Therefore, I wish to request the acquirement of more house elves that are trained according to Hogwarts standards."

"I very much wanted to suggest the same thing," Peregrine replied with relief. "Bee-bee has barely been able to keep the uptake of Mulciber Citadel all on his own. He could use a helping hand."

"That is an excellent decision, my son," Meredith replied. "Now there is one more subject that I wish to speak about before your departure to Gringotts to reinstate your uncle Joffrey and his family, and the acknowledgment of Edwyn as a Mulciber."

"Which is?" Peregrine asked with no bit of curiosity.

"As you well know your father loathed house elves and part of the reason is the house elf, who tricked your father into granting its freedom," Meredith explained. "That house elf is the brother of Beat's mother, his uncle to be precise. The house elf renamed itself after his departure as Tadbey and is employed as a free and paid house elf under Prince Manor."

Peregrine blinks in shock and delight at the mere suggestion of a free and paid house elf. "Mother, do you think-."

"No, Peregrine," Meredith knowingly replied already guessing her son's request. "Beat is far too submissive to be freed. He would consider it an insult and die without being tied to the household."

Peregrine falls silent for a moment as Meredith continues, "Your intentions are good, my son, but you must in take in account Beat's feelings as well. He does not desire to be free, but that being said that does not mean you cannot accustom to the idea. That is partially the reason for my request for Hogwarts trained house elves. These house elves take pride in serving and improving themselves. Many receive pay and have at least a single day off per month. Slowly, but surely the world is changing for the better, per-per."

Peregrine sighs a bit hopelessly. "Very well, I shall do as you request mother, but why the mention of Tadbey?"

"The Prince's are powerful allies to have especially now with the emergence of their lineages and especially the prized lineages of the Prince grandchildren," Meredith explained. "The Mulciber family name has become tarnished thanks to your father and brother's actions. The old Prince is cold, ruthless, powerful, but above all, he cares for those of his blood. Offer yourself as a vassal for his use and in turn, he will offer the Mulciber family a measure of his protection."

"I am a squib," Peregrine flatly stated. "What possible usage do I have?"

"You underestimate your value, my per-per," Meredith proudly replied looking more like the pureblood witch that she was. "Reginald Prince holds powers in many spheres, but he does not yet possess a confidant within Gringotts. And you, my son, are exactly that crucial piece that he is missing."

Peregrine contemplates the idea and slowly turns it over in his mind. "But I am bound by my vows to Gringotts to never betray the bank's secrets," he argued.

"Reginald Prince will never ask you to betray your vows merely to act according to the request," Meredith cleverly implied. "Just like the goblins at Gringotts, there are loopholes to explore and that is exactly what the old Prince will aim for."

"Considering the present Mulciber family's reputation, I doubt that he will accept my sudden declaration of loyalty," Peregrine reasoned to his mother.

"That is why you will also reveal the circumstances surrounding the death of your brother, Damian," Meredith pointedly replied as Peregrine's face became ashen. "The old Prince will confirm the truth of the statement via his informants in the Ministry of Magic. Thereby your sincerity will be guaranteed by having revealed one of the family's weaknesses. Therefore, he will accept the proposal and in turn offer the Mulciber family the means of protection through societal redemption."

"It still is a risk to take," Peregrine remarked sharply to his mother.

"And you are now the head of the Mulciber household, my son," Meredith bluntly answered. "As you have said before you are a squib, your uncle is a squib, Edwyn is a mere child, and your betrothed is a squib. Beyond Beat and I, who else possesses magic in this household? The rest of the families will see the Mulciber household like a fat lamb to be eaten by a pack of ravaging wolves. We require a protector and the Prince household is the best shield to have."

Pushing his pride away, Peregrine lowers his head in agreement. "I will do as you request, mother, but if the old Prince truly asks for more than I can give, I will not hesitate to disobey."

"That is all I ask," Meredith said, before rising to her feet causing her skirt to flutter. "Now, let us see to those cookies in the kitchen. I am certain that by now Beat and Edwyn are putting them into the oven to bake."

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have tea, before rushing off to Gringotts," Peregrine acknowledged feeling a bit hungry. He would need his strength to fulfill all of the tasks before him including proclaiming his alliance to Reginald Prince. He needed the alliance to succeed for the sake of protecting those he cared for. He could not fail, not again.

Woot, the arc is over! No matter what I do, it seems the arcs are only getting longer.....

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