
Not again! Ⅱ

However, to Rowan's profound dismay, she spent the rest of the afternoon bribing Severus into visiting other stores and maneuvering him around Lily, James, and Sirius, without being spotted. By the time, they finally made it to the Diagon Floo hearths, she was mentally exhausted. It was with intense relief and gratitude when they finally floo'd back to Norton.

Upon emerging at Norton, the two of them found themselves in an alley-like area that connected to a street. Severus immediately perked up with curiosity and asked, "Want to look around?"

Rowan too tired to argue simply said, "You can go, I'm exhausted."

"Spoilsport," Severus muttered under his breath before following his twin sister to the brick wall that hid the tunnel that led to the Prince manor that could only be accessed by one of Prince's blood.

Still, Severus hid a grin at seeing Rowan's face as they went through the entrance in the wall into a dusty, gloomy tunnel. The tunnel was damp, but old torches flickered on and gave off a dim light. Out of the light, there are scurrying shadows of insects and other creatures that they did not want to know were.

Severus' lips twitch into a faint smile as they walk in silence in the tunnel. After the third time, Rowan had dragged him into a shop they had already been too, he had gotten suspicious. With Rowan doing her best to distract him, it was not hard to peek around before spotting the immediate problem, Lily was in Diagon Alley with James and Sirius.

The faint grin on Severus's face vanished as his face darkened with a twist of pain. He knew what Rowan was trying to do save him anymore heartache. And it worked somewhat, he took a vast amount of pleasure of being contrary and causing Rowan to almost to panic in desperation to go anywhere else, but where Lily, James, and Sirius were at.

Still, he was rather luckily, Severus concluded to himself. He still had his twin. And that was something, but more importantly, he was a Prince.

The subtle quiet epiphany clicked into place as Severus's eyes grew wide in understanding. Feeling better than he had felt in days, the two of them emerged from the tunnel into the dungeons. The dungeons ever since the summer after her second year where Rowan had spent polishing and organizing everything was neat. The only downside was still the dampness in the air that smelled faintly of dust, and possibly mold.

The two of them headed upstairs to spot Dawn in the hall magically floating a last-minute trunk packed with Aunt Georgine's things behind her. Dawn happily said, "The young master and little mistress have returned! Dawn will inform the master! Would the young master and little mistress like a snack and tea after their journey?"

"No, thank you. I'm going to take a nap," Rowan tiredly said.

"Of course, little mistress," Dawn chirped. "Would the little mistress like for Dawn to awaken her before Dinner? It is to be Miss Georgine's last dinner at the manor, before leaving for Hogwarts. The master wises for the entire family to be all present at dinner."

"Yes, please," Rowan faintly muttered and waved Dawn away as she headed upstairs to put away her purchases, before flopping onto her bed fully dressed in exhaustion.

Severus watched his twin sister go with a smirk on his face. "Thank you, Dawn, but I would very much like a cup of earl gray tea with a snack to go with it."

"Yes, young master," Dawn happily declared in relief at seeing the young master so much more lighthearted than before. She and the master had begun to worry about the young master. But seeing the young master back to normal, she would immediately inform the master upon her return.

With a loud pop, Dawn appeared at the house elves entrance at Hogwarts. The entrance was at present empty, but Dawn quickly scurried up the stairs towards the kitchens with Miss Georgine's trunk.

Miss Georgine would not be returning after that night as her lesson plans must be finalized and presented to the Headmaster. And since Miss Georgine was the latest DADA Professor at Hogwarts according to the guidelines and the Hogwarts Board, it was required she present them in person to the Headmaster of Hogwarts. As such, Dawn, Hubby, and baby, would be doing their best to help. However, Dawn had the feeling that Miss Georgine would leave everything to the last minute.

Dawn had not gone far when Dawn entered the Hogwarts kitchen. Dawn still marveled at the size of the grand kitchen found within Hogwarts. Dawn was most honored to enter the kitchen of house elves, who had proudly served since the time of the founders. It was a great honor for a family house elf to witness as many house elves prior generations had not been permitted to see such a reverent place of service.

Dawn nodded in starch approval at seeing the Hogwarts male house elves in neat spotless tea-towels, covered with neat little black buttoned-up jackets with a darker gray vest underneath. With spotless white cuffs at the end and shiny button cufflinks with a gleaming H on them.

The female house elves on the other hand wore neat little French maid uniforms including a little cap on their heads. Their aprons were spotless except for the engraved H in the corner of their apron. The females all wore black stockings with tiny black slippers.

Dawn most approved of the changes and was pleased to spot new faces among the house elves. Dawn had been told by the master with great pride that Dawn, hubby, and Hogwarts house elves were the new standard of serving. Now many families were sending house elves to be trained at Hogwarts. But best of all, many house elves were being happy again.

Dawn was most joyous to know this. Dawn took great pride in being a Prince family house elf. And now other house elves would take great pride in serving too!

A water-eyed female house elf named Toppy happily called out to Dawn. Dawn turned around and said, "Greetings serving sister, Toppy. How is Toppy this evening?"

"Toppy is fine!" Toppy exclaimed. "Toppy is happy to see Dawn again so soon. Why is Dawn here?"

"Miss Georgine wanted trunk brought over," Dawn instantly replied as she gestured to the trunk floating behind her.

"Toppy will see to it," Toppy proudly said as Dawn set down the trunk.

"Dawn is glad," Dawn replied. "Dawn pop in for tea soon to drink with Toppy. Master allow visits now that young master and little mistress will return to Hogwarts."

"Toppy is glad," Toppy explained. "The young master Prince, and young Lady Prince are good and kind. Hogwarts house elves proud to serve under founder's children."

"Yes," Dawn said in agreement. "Dawn is lucky. Dawn tries to bring hubby, but hubby say, Hogwarts house elves is to perky."

Toppy giggled with glee. "Dawn's Hubby, Tadbey is too serious."

Dawn sighed in reply. "Dawn knows, but Dawn still loves Hubby."

Toppy pats Dawn on her shoulder and says, "Still Dawn is lucky. Dawn already has baby and hubby. Toppy still waiting for Habbey to ask to bind together. Toppy is worried, Toppy wait forever!"

Dawn pats Toppy on her shoulder and says, "Males."

Toppy nods her head, before saying, "Toppy must excuse herself now. Toppy is busy!"

"Dawn understands," Dawn said and waved goodbye to her friend, before making her way down the stairs to apparate back to Prince Manor. She had many things to do herself for a house elf's work is never done.

I have always wondered about House Elves interaction culture. It's not truely explored beyond saying, they are slaves. But even an enslaved people have their own society. All family or pack orientied species have a society-like of their own.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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