
Walden Macnair?

It was near sundown when the figure of Albus Dumbledore made his way through Hogsmeade. Considering that it is a fine evening there were plenty of residents outside of their homes enjoying the cooling air. Children were laughing as they flew on their toy brooms, while others chased fireflies, pixies, fairies, and the like. It was a fine summer evening indeed.

Loud boisterous voices could be heard from the Hog Head Inn as Dumbledore made his way around the back of the inn. A spotted goat let out a loud cry in recognition. The goat snuffled towards the edge of the wooden pen and squeezed its head through the bars. Dumbledore lets out a soft chuckle and gives the goat a quick scratch under the chin, before heading over to the back door.

Dumbledore loudly knocked twice and waited. Not long after the bartender with long, stringy gray hair and matching beard glares at him with blue-colored eyes hidden behind spectacles. "You're late, Albus!" Aberforth Dumbledore snapped as Albus Dumbledore made his way past his younger brother.

Aberforth slammed the door shut, before making his way back to the bar. He would be forced to leave the bar alone. Those drunken wretches never missed a chance to break open a barrel and pour themselves a pint of ale. Luckily, he had a new anti-theft rune carved into each barrel. They cost quite the galleon, but it had been well worth the cost.

With Aberforth having returned to the bar, Dumbledore made his way up the creaking stairs and knocked on the door, before gently pushing the door open. Inside the dusty parlor are six figures, some seated the rest standing. "My apologies for the tardiness this evening, I was delayed as I was sorting my apprentices," Dumbledore said causing quite a bit of surprise among those present.

"Apprentices?" Rasped in question, the elderly hunched-up bald wizard, Elphias Doge. "I had heard from Madam Marchbanks that the Prince twins had successfully passed the C.S.A.E. exam. I wasn't aware they had applied for an apprenticeship with you, Albus."

"Their grandfather did on their behalf," Dumbledore replied as he took the vacant seat across from Doge.

The square-jawed man with dark hair furrows his brow. "The Prince twins, huh?" Edgar Bones remarked with a bit of a frown. "And that is not at all suspicious considering the Prince's statement on their true heritage."

Elphias Doge snorts and says, "I know what you're thinking, Auror Bones, but it's not some cunning Slytherin ploy by Reginald Prince to remain in the public's good graces. I shared the same fears and concerns with Madam Marchbanks, who generously spoke in private to address my worries. Madam Marchbanks stated the Prince's grandchildren have begun to show the initial crackles of power. Being only fourteen, they're much too young to be coming into their full-grown magic. The two of them need to be grounded for everyone's well-being including their own."

"I have never heard of that. Is that normal for the Prince's?" Curiously asked the handsome, redheaded Auror Gideon Prewett.

"No, far from it," the rugged Auror Alastor Moody gruffly responded. "Under normal circumstances, even a powerful lineage like that of the Prince's will not awaken early. However, it is a well-known fact that a child that is under dire or stressful circumstances can force their magic to awaken that much earlier. In most cases, it is wild magic happening under duress limited to a single event. I am certain we have all witnessed it or personally experienced it as small children by making unexpected things occur."

A suppressed chuckle or expression happens at Alastor Moody's words. They had all seen a child do an impossibility from want. All of them had done it in one way or another from changing vegetables into cake to turning a sibling blue when angry.

Moody's following words pulled them back to the present. "Yet in a few worrisome cases, the wild magic instead of retreating naturally remains behind forcing what would be gradual growth of a child coming into their full power upon their 17th year instead unnatural growth of their power is pushed on their magical core increasing the odds of permanent damage to their magic or the possibility of harming others and themselves from an emotional outburst."

Gideon's eyes widen in understanding as his large-nosed brother, Fabian Prewett pensively murmurs out loud, "Witnessing their grandmother's death at the Malfoy wedding would have done it."

"The two of them were in the second row sitting next to their aunt. The Prince grandchildren would have witnessed the death of their grandmother," Alastor grimly acknowledged, "but that would not have been enough. Their grandmother's death served only as a catalyst since the true culprit would have been the attack itself. In combination, their magic instead of returning to its natural state remained in a state of hypervigilance and forced unexpected growth on their magical core. Unfortunately, even after their magic calmed down the forced growth remained behind and will progressively continue and eventually force an early onset of their full-grown power.

There is a discomforted bout of silence as the members in the parlor room understand the severity of the situation. Regardless of whether they liked or disliked Reginald Prince, the circumstances of his grandchildren were serious and grave. The request made by Reginald Prince was not outrageous or ludicrous in any manner.

Trying to change the subject, Edgar Bones clears his throat. "My apologies Professor Dumbledore it was not my intention to suggest anything otherwise. My concerns have been more than amply satisfied."

Seeing the intention to change the subject, Albus Dumbledore waves his hand in understanding and takes the opportunity to move forward. "Then shall we get to the matters at hand, gentlemen?"

"Nothing notable to report from my brother and me," Fabian swiftly replied as Gideon nodded his head in agreement. "All we've got is the usual whispers even the underworld's been rather quiet as of late. But then again with the World Quidditch Cup around the corner, they're probably concentrating on just smuggling right now." The men in the room nod in understanding as they turn to glance at the Bones brothers.

The lighter brown-haired Jacques Bones understands the cue and follows up. "Ignoring the Quidditch Cup, the other ongoing topic among the Ministry members is that of the Cure for Lycanthropy, which has all the foreign diplomats and potion guilds of the rest of the wizarding world eagerly vying to receive the cure early, before the other party. I've even heard that Master Belby is up for receiving the medal of Merlin of the First Order. And since an actual descendant of Merlin has been found to still be in existence there are whispers that Reginald Prince will be brought in to stand alongside the Minister of Magic."

"That is not to be unexpected," Elphias Doge sniffed as he wiped his nose with a hankie due to summer allergies. "Nothing on my end beyond that the single attacker is to be sentenced tomorrow. He'll be going to Azkaban for certain. I'm just not sure for how many years it'll be for."

"Yes, well he was part of a group that killed two members of two powerful families and a fourteen-year-old. Neither the public nor the Wizengamot has any sympathy for him," Gideon frankly said.

"And what of you, Auror Bones?" Dumbledore quietly interjected as they all paused to glance at Edgar Bones.

Edgar presses his lips into a thin line and slowly says, "I'm not sure if it's anything really, but Albert Runcorn has been seen in the company of Antonin Dolohov and Walden Macnair as of late. It is not strange to be seen in the company of Macnair as he is seeking to enter the Ministry of Magic after having traveled abroad for several years and has since returned from the continent. But Dolohov, well, he's never been one to show much interest in the affairs of the ministry."

Alastor Moody's eyes flash in recognition of the name and Dumbledore does not miss it. "Have you something to add to Auror Bone's account, Moody?"

Alastor unconsciously rubs the scar under his jaw. "I have a reason to believe that Dolohov is a part of this dark group that follows the Dark Lord," Alastor carefully said. "He was seen often in the company of Rodolphus Lestrange, who I might add is the elder brother of the recently deceased Rabastan Lestrange."

Alastor paused before adding, "I and Scrimgeour alongside Auror Clements have come to the conclusion that following Lestrange is the key to unraveling this whole mystery. But Rodolphus Lestrange is not easily seen nor much less followed. But Dolohov is and is much more careless given his arrogant haughty nature. I think if we play our cards right with Dolohov, we will be able to find the direct source."

"Then I do believe we have our next step gentlemen," Dumbledore said. "I shall shake the tree from my end and see what falls. But I trust that Dolohov, Runcorn, and Macnair will all be under close watch from now on."

The men in the room nod as Elphias Doge says, "I'll personally keep an eye on the application of Macnair. If he truly wishes to join the ministry, I'll see where he's trying to get into and why. And keep an eye on Runcorn's actions within the ministry. If he's up to something, I'll sniff it out."

"Just try to stay out of danger, old man," Alastor grumbled earning himself a glare from Elphias Doge.

"I'll have you know, Auror Moody that I was serving as a prominent ministry official when you were still in diapers!" Elphias Doge indignantly retorted.

"Exactly," Alastor muttered under his breath as various degrees of smiles appeared across the room.

Hiding a smile, Dumbledore says, "In that case, let us all depart. It is a lovely summer night. Let us enjoy the peace, while we still can." The men begin to depart slowly as one or in a pair until only Dumbledore remains in the room. Without glancing at the door, he says, "You don't need to linger during a meeting outside the door, Aberforth."

Aberforth sneers and says, "So you'll be taking the Prince twins as apprentices?"

"Yes, I will," Dumbledore said not turning around to face his brother standing in the doorway.

Aberforth seems to weigh the pros and cons in his mind, before saying, "I've seen the Prince girl. She doesn't remind you of anyone. Albus?"

Dumbledore rises from his seat and turns to face his brother. His baby blue eyes don't sparkle as he solemnly says, "Whatever do you mean, Aberforth?"

"Those of her eyes that seem to see too much," Aberforth ventured to say. "They do not remind you of another pair of such eyes."

Something flashes across Dumbledore's face as he hoarsely says, "Her eyes are midnight indigo. They look nothing alike."

"Keep telling yourself that," Aberforth wolfishly grinned. "But keep looking and you'll soon see what I mean." Turning away, Aberforth marches away in satisfaction leaving Dumbledore staring after his younger brother.

Just what did Aberforth mean by that? Feeling rather unsettled Dumbledore soon left. But all the way back to Hogwarts he seemed rather lost in thought. Was it merely one last parting jab or was there something more to it?

Ah, yes, lovely character tension. :D

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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