
You have a what?

In the weeks that followed nothing of importance occurred other than the fact that Hufflepuff won this year's Quidditch cup and that the Marauders had been caught around sneaking around at night. As a result, Gryffindor lost 50 points all at once which seriously peeved the Gryffindor Prefects but wasn't too off-putting for the rest of the Gryffindors. After all, the general consensus among them was it was just boys being boys and the four brats had gotten a month's worth of detention as punishment.

The Fifth and Seventh years went into a studying frenzy as the Easter Holidays approached making it impossible to study in the common room area having claimed it as their own. The rest of the Slytherin's years tactfully took to studying in the library, study hall, or in the dorms. Unfortunately, the professors were thinking the exact same thing as they piled on sky-high amounts of homework for all years but especially the 5th and 7th years. By the time the Easter Holiday's rolled around it was a welcome relief to the 5th and 7th years to be able to study and finish their homework on time without having points being docketed for turning in an assignment late.

Rowan alongside everyone was glad to take a break from studying for their first-year exams and her personal research. In her shared dorm room, she sat on her bed nestled under a cozy quilt. She carefully reviewed the twelve uses of dragon blood. There is an astonished look on her face as she murmurs out loud the last two uses for dragon's blood. "Oven cleaner and Spot Remover, really?"

"I'll never remember all of this!" Tiffany sighed in exasperation as her head flopped onto her open book.

"Well, that may very well be the case," Bethanie kindly said in a consoling manner. "But as long as we pass, I don't think it will really matter in the long run."

"IF is good," Silvia muttered mutinously under her breath. "Oh, let's just take a break from all of this! It's Easter for cripes sake!"

Rowan looked up from the page. "That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea."

With some measure of relief, Bethanie smiles rather thankful. "Yes, resting between studying has been proven to be conductive at times."

"Yes! Yes!" Tiffany enthusiastically shouted lifting her hands up in the air in excitement and relief.

"Well, it's gotten a bit warmer outside," Bethanie thoughtfully suggested. "How about a brisk walk outside?"

"That doesn't sound half bad," Rowan acknowledged with half a shrug. "It'd be nice to get some fresh air outside of these stuffy castle walls."

"Anything to get out of this," Silvia huffed under her breath as they all scrambled out from their warm bedding. Scrambling to their feet they pull on coats, a scarf, maybe a warm hat or earmuffs, and gloves. And yes, the snow had long begun to melt away leaving the grounds sparse and bare, but the icy chilly wind outside had yet to completely fade away.

The four girls head outside and enjoy the sunlight even if was only 9 Celsius, (48 Fahrenheit). They all discuss various topics to get their minds off things until Silvia says, "Although, Father, did say this might be a rough year. Apparently terribly, awful things have begun to happen in the countryside, there's been an attack or two on muggles by dark wizards."

"Well, that's nothing, new, dear," Bethanie wisely remarked. "There's always terrible people out in the world seeking to do terrible things."

"Well, we'll all be fine, we are after all from good wizarding families," Tiffany added with some relief.

Rowan tuned out the rest of the conversation as a solemn conclusion came to mind. The first wizarding war had begun. She felt a mix of despair and disappointment. She thought it might be possible to stop Voldemort in his tracks before he even started. However, it was fantastical wishing on her part. Changing fate is easier said than done.

At least, Rowan hadn't failed. History had been changed, but that did not mean fate would stand idly aside. War is inevitable and how it would this time around only time would tell.

Midnight indigo-colored eyes focus on five small figures scurrying secretively across the edge of the Forbidden Forest toward Hagrid's log cabin. Rowan blinks twice to ensure she isn't hallucinating. However, Lily's distinctive figure remains in place her fiery mane giving her dead away. Even from the distance, she can make out the various hair colors of the marauders.

"To go or not to go is the question?" Rowan grumpily thought to herself. They were probably just heading over to Hagrid's. Probably….

Unable to ignore the nagging feeling, Rowan tiredly sighs, "If all of you don't mind, I think I'm going to stretch my legs a bit more. I'll see you back in a bit."

"Alright," Bethanie answered glancing over at the shivering figure of Tiffany. "I was thinking it was time to head back anyway, it's much too cold to watch the lake."

Silvia grumbles under her breath in agreement. "I can't feel my face."

They quickly part ways each heading off separately in different directions. Trudging across the muddy lawn, Rowan grumbles under her breath. "I just couldn't well leave them alone, could I?" Her nose and cheeks are red from the cold and the chilly wind makes her bitterly shiver. She had forgotten to put (enchanted) hot stones in her clothes to keep her warm during the outing. A terrible lapse of judgment.

Cold and miserable, Rowan dashes across the small yard and instead creeps around the corner. She glances around for a moment, before spotting a thick, pulled-out tree stump. It is much too large for her to move, so she quickly pulls out her wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Rowan whispered as the log floated a few inches off the ground gliding across the muddy ground before being gently sat just under Hagrid's cabin window. With her head ducked down, she creeps onto the stump and peers through the misty window. The windows are foggy from the stifling heat, but what causes her to almost shriek is witnessing a black kettle sitting in the flames cradling a rather, huge, black egg.

Feeling a bit weak, Rowan shakily slithers back down and sits down on the seat of the stump trying to gather her thoughts. "How is this possible!? Hagrid is not supposed to acquire a dragon egg until Potter's first year at Hogwarts (aka Norbert)!"

Somehow this seemed much more than just a simple coincidence. It seemed almost deliberate. Yet Quirinius Quirrell will have already been born in 1969 (or between 1972 of this year). Quirrell will not attend Hogwarts until after Rowan & Severus graduate Hogwarts. Furthermore, Quirrell will not be a professor or be possessed by Voldemort until much later.

Then again, it is never mentioned exactly who gave Hagrid the mysterious dragon egg. All that is mentioned is that Hagrid won it in a game. Nigh impossible considering how bad Hagrid is at keeping his emotions (or a secret) to himself.

Taking a deep breath, Rowan calms herself. Now is not the time to get caught up in fanciful thoughts. She needs to make sure the egg is taken care of since there is no Charlie Weasley to take care of Norbert this time.

Furrowing her brow in deep thought, Rowan runs through Hogwarts's staff on who can be trusted to help Hagrid with the dragon egg. After some time, she recalls the name of the current professor teaching Care of Magical Creatures, Professor Kettleburn. From what is briefly mentioned Professor Kettleburn is a friend of Newt Scamander and shared Newt Scamander's like-minded views about magical creatures.

With a firm resolution in mind, Rowan wanders back to the castle as she in vain tries to recall where Professor Kettleburn could be found. How could she possibly know since she wouldn't have the opportunity to take his course until her 3rd year. Luckily, she is able to ask a couple of older students, who direct her to the hospital wing.

Apparently, Professor Kettleburn had been helping Professor Sprout in the greenhouse. It had been going swimming well until one of the plants changed its mind. Professor Kettleburn had been by a poisonous plant and needed an antidote. He is in the present care of the new infirmary matron, Madam Poppy Pomfrey.

Woot, it's Halloween! Glorious day! Cough, I messed up on the ranking for November....so, hence 13 chapters to make up for the missing days in November.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts
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