

The weekend could not arrive soon enough for the students. While the rest of the students remained blissfully unaware in their warm beds, Rowan awakens early. The bitter chill of October had set in as warm sweaters and house-colored scarfs cropped up among the students. In the Slytherin common room, the large fireplace roars and crackles in the early morning hours. Despite, the time and the fact that it is a weekend, a small group of fifth-years and seventh-years huddled together to study.

With the knowledge gained from the impromptu meeting, Rowan determines although there is substantial risk in sending a letter to Moody, however, there posed a much higher significant risk that an attack would occur. In conclusion, it was far more prudent to warn Moody of the possibility of an attack. At least, in this manner Moody would have the opportunity to be prepared in the eventuality there is an attack.

With a clever idea in mind, Rowan approaches Prefect Wilkes who sits with a group of fifth years. She softly clears her throat gathering his attention. The fifth years send her a scowl at being interrupted.

"Prefect Wilkes, might I have a word with you?"

Wilkes's face is rather miffed, but he reluctantly arises and moves away to the corner of the Slytherin common room so as to not disturb the rest of the 5th year. "Why are you up at this ungodly hour, Prince?" He huffed. "You're only a first-year!"

Wilkes forlornly sighed. "Why I remember being a first-year and I loved to sleep in on the weekends!"

"Yes, well, I am an early riser," Rowan cryptically answered. "That being said, I have a request to make."

"Go on," Wilkes restless gestured.

"Would it be possible for you to send a prank on my behalf?" Rowan lied with a straight face. "My grandfather's friend has blocked his mail and vice-a-versa. It is a joke in nature for them to send their correspondence via a third party."

Looking intrigued at the proposition, Wilkes says, "And just what would the prank entail?"

"A soft, stuffed dragon doll with a bouquet of thorned roses and a single line that reads, 'Hallows Eve,'" Rowan said. "The message will ensure grandfather's friend knows the date of their next visit."

Wilkes cheerfully grins at the prospect of some mischief. "How amusing, I shall thoroughly enjoy fulfilling such a request."

Rowan gratefully bows her head slightly towards the Slytherin Prefect in gratitude.

Wilkes proudly grins and says, "It is my sworn Prefect duty to help."

Rowan holds out a slip of paper with the address and name. "Let me know the cost and I shall pay you back, Prefect Wilkes."

"Will do," Wilkes answered with a skip in his step at the thought of future mischief. Tragically much of his enthusiasm shrivels up upon rejoining his friends. Homework was a terrible mood killer!

With the Slytherin common room already occupied and the rest of the students still sound asleep, Rowan moves briskly through the chilly dungeons and up towards the library. Madam Pince is already up at the early hour and blinks in surprise at spotting the 1st year Slytherin. Still, Madam Pince very much approved of the dedication of Rowan Prince and nods at her in approval before returning to sort the books.

Resuming from where Rowan left off in the archive, she takes detailed notes until noon. She would have gladly skipped lunch except her stomach is loudly growling. Taking note of exactly where she left off, she heads out of the Library towards the Great Hall.

Hunger sometimes made Rowan's mind begin to wander. Out of the blue, she recalls Andromeda Tonks. Though already exiled by her family, Andromeda is only a year or so younger than her elder sister, Bellatrix. Considering the elder two Malfoy sister's close age, Andromeda would have attended Hogwarts with Bellatrix.

Despite the differences in their school years with Andromeda being so close in age to Bellatrix, they would have surely had some crossover of friends being purebloods. Moreover, since the two of them were in Slytherin together. If so, just how did Andromeda Black and Ted Tonks meet? A pureblood and a muggleborn? They did not share the same house nor were they in the same social circle.

Now there was an interesting love story. Considering that Andromeda Black and Ted Tonks directly eloped after they graduated from Hogwarts, they must have courted literally right under the nose of Bellatrix. They certainly must have been sneaky for no one to notice the ongoing romantic affair right beneath everyone's noses.

Then again, it certainly explained why Bellatrix hated Andromeda so much. Bellatrix had been betrayed by her closest confidant. Her younger sister, who she believed shared her same hopes and values. An unforgivable lesson that Bellatrix never forgot.

Abruptly something wet plops onto Rowan's head pulling her out of her thoughts. Irked, she glances up only to spot Peeves, the poltergeist. With a dark look, she reaches up to cautiously touch her head only to come back with whipped cream and pie toppings. Sniffing her hand, she comments, "Pineapple."

Peeves loudly cackled whizzing overhead, before Rowan can reach for her wand, she sees a ghostly figure pass through the wall behind Peeves. With an opportunity to return the favor, she purposefully remarks, "Peeves, what say, I invite the Bloody Baron to have a private word with you?"

Peeves came to a halt and maliciously sneers at the 1st year witch. "Oh, like I'm so scared," blowing a loud raspberry at Rowan.

"Is that so?" A chilling voice icily inquired directly from behind Peeves.

Peeves instantly paled and whirls about to find himself face to face with a gaunt-faced ghost, with soulless eyes, and ghostly robes stained with silver blood. "Your, Bloody Highness!" Peeves panicked squealing like a pig.

The Bloody Baron coldly gazes down at Peeves moving closer causing the long chains hanging from his clothes to loudly clink together. In a hoarse voice, the Bloody Baron orders, "Clean it up now and DESIST!"

Instantly the remnants of pie vanish from Rowan's head. Peeves fearfully bows and squeaks, "Yes, your Bloodyness," before fearful zooming away.

With Peeves gone, Rowan solemnly bows to the ghost of Slytherin. "Thank you, sir."

"We are Slytherin," the Bloody hoarsely declared, before drifting through the wall back to haunt and moan in his favorite haunting spot the Astronomy Tower.

Clean again, Rowan returns on her merry way. With great hunger, she enters the Great Hall and sits down. She promptly begins to devour the food set before her.

Witnessing his twin sister wolfing down her lunch, Severus arches his brow at her. "Where were you all day? You look as if you didn't have anything to eat this morning."

"I didn't," Rowan mumbled between mouthfuls, "and I was in the library."

"The library?" Severus said in disbelief. "On a weekend!"

"Yes," Rowan huffed.

Knowing he won't get much more of an answer, Severus asks, "What are you studying that is so important Rowan that you are at the library on the weekend? And don't bother to deny it, I know for a fact you finished all of our professor's homework."

"Just a passing interest," Rowan responded. "You are more than welcome to help, but the work is long and tedious."

Before Severus can follow up, Lily arrives with Mary MacDonald and Willa Sands. "We're all going to play a round of gobstones with Silvia, Bethanie, and Tiffany in the courtyard. Do the two of you care to join us?" Lily happily asked her two childhood friends.

Rowan negatively shakes her head while Severus immediately sits up from the Slytherin table. "I would love to."

Lily's emerald eyes linger on Rowan until Rowan says, "I am working on a project. Go on and have fun without me."

"Alright next time then," Lily said with a friendly smile, before joining their group of friends heading out to the courtyard to play.

Taking another bite of food, Rowan thinks to herself, "Severus, you better make the most of your time with Lily."

Otherwise, James would still manage to pull out the rug from under Severus. And no matter, how much Rowan loved Severus, Severus is rather slow on the uptake. James is far smoother in that regard.

Unlike Severus and Lily, Andromeda Black and Ted Tonks were not child friends. They were not sorted into the same house nor ran in the same social circles since one was a prueblood and the other a muggleborn. It is a fascinating romance to think about.

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