
Wen Jinyang's great sacrifice

The senior frowned. Thinking about all the girls that wore white dresses, he was puzzled. Many girls were wearing white dresses, but the most beautiful among them was only one and that was Su Yanruo. Was Rong Yixuan talking about her? Looking at Rong Yixuan's face, it seemed so. With a slight gulp, the senior looked at him. "Rong Yixuan, why do you need her to know -"

"The number!!!" Rong Yixuan's cold glare met the boy's nervous eyes. 

Immediately, the senior humped back in fright. "Number 4, number 4...." he answered with a frightened look. 

"Number 4....." Rong Yixuan mumbled to himself and smiled. "I like number 4....."

The senior: ?????

"Have you put number 4 on anybody else's wrist?" he asked. 

"Noy yet," The senior denied. 

"Put that same number on my wrist," Rong Yixuan requested and rolled up his sleeves. 

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