
Conference, War

After Claudia declare a war to the Golden Kingdom, the current Emperor now start gathering many experts from around the kingdom and outside the kingdom.

And now Jiang Zen, all of his children, and the elder is current discussion about the war against one person, they held a conference with many clan and sect.

"Your majesty, Kun Lun agrees to lend his power to support us but he wants Rainbow Colour Flower as an exchange", A servant tells Jiang Zen about this, "Wait father, that is our national treasure, you know to obtain that flower many experts from our kingdom lose their life", One of Jiang Zen children, Jiang Rei disagree with his father while he hit his knee with two hand, "You don't understand, she very strong, I even can't sense what realm she is and you all already see it yesterday how she beat all of the Five Elder", Jiang Zen talk while he his face covered with sweat, "But father she only alone and we have many experts in our side", Jiang Rou stand up, "Stop!! I don't want hear any nosense from you", Jiang Zen raise his hand and Jiang Rou relent, "Your Majesty, they have arrived", One of servant tell Jiang Zen.

From front gate many experts from some sect around Middle Domain has come, they are is some major sect from the middle domain and some powerful clan, and the list is.

Thunder Blade Sect, Blossom Pearl Sect, Heavenly Martial Sect, Thunder Cliff Sect, and Blood Gates Sect.

For Clans, there was.

Wang Clan

Situ Clan

Meng Clan

Nang Clan

Xie Clan

Cang Clan

But some Sect and Clan or Institute refuse to come like Silver Pavilion, Ning Clan and other. For some reason Long Bai, Silver Pavilion leader can't join the Golden Kingdom although their existence has been founded together with the Golden Kingdom, they refuse because Long Bai know that Claudia is far strong from the cultivator that has he meet, so many clans and sect mocking them because of this matter, Long Bai can't take risk for what will happen to Silver Pavilion if the Golden Kingdom lose.

The conference now begin

"Fellow cultivators thank you for coming here to answer my call-", Jiang Zen greeting all of his guests and those guest only nodded, "I Jiang Zen, the Emperor of Golden Kingdom ask for you all fellow cultivators to help me war against an extremely figure but don't worry, the Golden Kingdom will payback after the war ended, "For information who is this figure, Emperor Zen?", Ling Wangyan ask politely to Emperor Jiang Zen, "I don't know who is this figure but this figure is able to defeat the Five Elders", Jiang Zen tell them with a serious expression, the crowd like "What!?" or "How can that possible!?". "Hmm so the rumors is true", One of them and it is Blossom Pearl Sect elder talk while she put her hand at her chin, "Yes that true she defeat all of the Five Elders so that way I need you all to defeat that person", Still Jiang Zen with serious face, "Okay we Thunder Blade Sect willing to lend a hand to you Emperor Zen" , "Same here to, Blossom Pearl Sect willing to lend a hand", After that, all of the guest agree to help Golden Kingdom and the Golden Kingdom will give them reward for this.


One week has passed away, Claudia now on Hanging Garden balcony, she didn't tell any hero about this matter because this is not the right time to let the world know about Heroes existence. From sky Claudia can see the Golden Kingdom very clearly although the cloud blocks her eye, then she jumps from there and arrives at the Jiang Mountain.

And in the same time there was 10.000 soldier with sword, spear, bow, shield and many experts feel the impact from the Jiang Mountain, "She already here", An expert talk after he feels an impact and senses a powerful pressure from there.

(For the best experience reader can play a music name *Rise by Madkid, you will know the difference while reading this part while hearing that song and remember to imagine it)

Claudia walks slowly to the Golden Capital and those soldiers finally see her and Claudia too can see them, then she stops walking then she put her sword at front of her and lean both of her hand* then give all of them glare with an evil smile, and that give all of them goosebumps, and many golden ripples come from sky.

(*It hard to describe it so you can search at google 'Oda Nobunaga Archer' and you will know what I mean)

Then Claudia hold her sword with her left hand and start to walk again with many golden ripples, "Charge!!", General Xuan shouting to all army then they rush to Claudia and try to attack her but.







"Ahhh!!!?", Many of them screaming what is just happening and that despair continue while Claudia still walk calmly and then five figure finally show themselves, they are is Shadow Army, they look each other and defend their master, and Claudia only walking without pay any attention while she use Gate of Babylon to attack them and instantly kill them.

Sebastion is at front of Claudia and he throws many daggers from his sleeves, while Ferid and Crowley kill many enemies from Claudia side and Yatogami protects Claudia from backside while Guren from the front too with Sebastian. And Claudia only uses Gate of Babylon then she only keeps walking and walking without care while her coat waving.

At the gateway many people asking each other who is those guys who protect Claudia and what is golden ripples on the sky, they think she only alone but actually she not alone and they never know she has an ability like that.

"Tell the Emperor that she is not alone!!, and tell them about her technique!!", Situ Xiao tells his subordinate to go to the imperial palace and he rushes to go there, Claudia really destroying the frontline group, Xiao Situ can see so many corpses and Claudia still walk calmly, "Attack!!!", He raise his sword then charge to Claudia with all his soldier and might but unfortunately, they are dead.

Now Claudia already inside the Golden Capital and she still walk to Imperial Palace still with Gate of Babylon attack them while Shadow Army will do their job to protect Claudia. So many screams, desperation but Claudia didn't care about that.

A soldier kneeling to the emperor, "Your majesty, she kills all soldier from the Golden Capital gateway", All in that room shocked for what just they hear, "What!!? But she only alone and we have 10.000 soldiers with good cultivation", Meng Ren stand up with his sweat covered his face, "And where is she now?", an elder from Thunder Cliff Sect ask that soldier, "She already in the Golden Capital and slaughter many soldiers there", But one soldier come again and kneeling, "Your majesty, She already here", And now they are standing, "Send Kun Lun there", they nodded and then go out to see what will happen.

Kun Lun is an expert in the Middle Domain, he does not bond with any sect but he is the strongest cultivator in the Middle Domain, he already at Sovereign Realm Level 9.

An old man with bamboo hat and red sword blocks Claudia way and for the first time Claudia stopped and she observe him very well, "Only Sovereign Realm Level 7? You sure you can stop me", While that old man give Claudia arrogant face, "That my line young miss, are you sure you can stop me huh?", Then he charge to Claudia but falls back again. After so long Claudia finally release a bit of his power and he retreat after feeling the pressure, "Stand Back!! This is my prey", Claudia order her Shadow Army to don't interrupt it with her hand, and they fall back again.

Claudia smile to him then she wave her hand, "You can make a move first, I really curious what can the strongest cultivator do to me", He very shocked after hearing that, "You are too confident about that young miss, I swear I will tear you apart", While Claudia only smile and give him a hand wave and Kun Lun blood boiling after he look that, "This is my first attack, don't you dare to die so easily after dare to talk like that to me", Kun Lung rushes to attack Claudia.

"Blood explosion Sword Technique"

He Hold his sword with two hands and that sword radiates a bright red and extreme heavy pressure and while he swing it to Claudia but that pressure didn't have any effect to Claudia, she stop that attack only with her hand, actually one hand. Not only Kun Lun shocked for what just happen but many clan and sect who see it feel very fearful because they know how strong is Kun Lun.

After that Claudia push him back and he fall at leave broken mark at the place he fall, "My turn now-", Claudia smile when she talks to him, "I will show you one of my power and hopefully, you can survive after taking my attack", Claudia talk with him while she sheath her sword, Yamato again and put it in Gate of Babylon then she take Gae Bolg from Gate of Babylon.

"That is Black Tortoise Shield, Red Dragon Armor, and Heavenly Bracelets", One of the expert shocked because Kun Lun use all his treasure to defend because his instinct tells him to use all his defensive treasure. Claudia holds Gae Bolg with two hands, one at the front and one at back.

"I will have your heart-

Gae Bolg"

Claudia shouting then she throw that spear to him, Gae Bolg release red terrifying aura while Kun Lun with all his might try to defend his self and then Gae Bolg destroy his Black Tortoise Shield, then destroy his Heavenly Bracelets and finally Gae Bolg penetrate his Red Dragon Armor right in his heart and Kun Lun Fall then he dies instantly.

After that Claudia pull Gae Bolg with her power and stand that spear aside her while the Emperor and other can't believe for what just happen, then Claudia raise her left hand.

"Shinra Tensei"




Claudia pushes them to the Golden Kingdom throne room, not only Jiang Zen but all clan and sect elder even Jiang Zen children.

Then Claudia get inside with Shadow Army behind her, then she looks at the Emperor and other, "Kowtow to me!!", Claudia talk while she releases her Wisdom of Sage that makes them and the building tremble, for the first time in they life, they feel a terrifying power from only one person, and then they kowtow to Claudia, " I, Jiang Zen willing to be your servant but please spare all my children and citizen of the Golden Kingdom", Claudia only smile when she hears that, "I will not destroy your kingdom and spare you all live but you shall serve me and acknowledge me as your master", "Yes yes your highness yes", They answer it very fast then Claudia press her aura then she turn around.

"Let back now", She orders Shadow Army, "Yes Your Highness", Then Shadow Army disappear and Claudia disappear too but before she really disappear, "Don't forget about the fact that you all are my servant and if I am back but you do not acknowledge me as your master, I will destroy your Kingdom, Sect and Clan", Then Claudia truly disappear from there.

And the news about the Golden Kingdom lose the war against other kingdom spread very fast and many kingdoms wondering who is this figure that able to win against one kingdom. Now many of them give Claudia nickname but Claudia most popular nickname is God of Destruction. And many kingdoms, institute, clan or sect give an order to all their member, "Do not make God of Destruction angry or you should kill yourself because of it", But few of them is searching her in order to defeat her.

Sorry if this chapter release very late because it so hard to make this chapter but stay tune, I write it then editing to find the error and that spend so many hour only for this chapter. And thank you for reading my novel

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