
First Appearance

Whilst heading out of the city I found a few posters that depicts the appearance of a teenager, being me. The poster shows a good looking guy with black hair, bad boy looks with sharp red eyes similar to Bakugo's and a healthy shade of pale skin.

Laughing to myself I exited the city and headed to the docks to find a place to stay. Soon I found a hidden area with no cameras and settled down, waiting for my own mission to start.

Thinking to myself about my suit, I willed it to suit me up. Then I took a picture of me with the phone I bought (being held by a shadow hand) and looked at my suits appearance and thought of it as bland so I customized it to be like Black Panthers suit and surprisingly the vibranium's properties also carried with it, making me ecstatic about this discovery as it means it can still do the functions it could do in the movies. I tweaked the suit to get rid of the ears.

After doing this I was satisfied with the suit and was dazing off and thinking of what I will do in the future until the shadow crow sent me an image of the Young Justice leaving in the Martians ship. I told the crow to discreetly follow and not get caught while I used the shadows to levitate myself and head to their assigned mission Santa Prisca to observe and report.

Soon I caught up to my familiar? Anyway I quickly hid everything about myself but made sure that the spot I am taking is no different than the surrounding area. After a while an island is seen on the horizon and slowly gets bigger and when the ship is close it turns invisible but to me I can see it because of the shadows moving around it.

Shortly after the ship was invisible Aqualad dive into the ocean to fool the heat motion sensors or something, allowing the ship to proceed after some second and I also follow, not caring about anything but hiding myself.

Quickly the ship stops and a hole is seen as something invisible floats down along with two males on cables, followed by another male dropping down and landing, causing dust to be raised but surprisingly no guards are coming.

I then followed the four man team the same as before but more closely and made sure I don't make Superboy's super hearing flare up and double checked to make sure I don't suddenly appear on Robin's map. We went through the forest/jungle and past the side of the rock cliff and headed straight on the path until SB alerts the three about the groups up ahead.

Whilst Ms. M, KF and SB talk R quickly hides and scout the area up ahead ready for the three to follow him and strike. The three then hide and look ahead at on of the groups and also realized another group will confront them and went to move but KF ran ahead in a blur to the gunfire that can be heard in the jungle. The two the go follow and start to fight as Robin also appears and helps but I stay where I am and watch as SB and Bane have a small scuffle.

Quickly they finished as AL appeared and tied the goons up but started to talk and argue until Bane got their attention and bargained for him to be freed as he can take them to his secret entrance and let him in that way, they then let him go and followed after as Bane took the lead.

After a short period of time we reached a cliff over looking the factory but as they do that I enter the shadows to not get caught and soon they entered the tunnel with me behind them inside their shadows and watch them as they sneak through the factory with Robin at the command center with KF after him but I stick with the four I'm with now and reach the cargo area and watch the shipment cobra venom being stacked around the area and ready for transportation.

Soon bane gets their attention and the fight is starting and I too wait to fight, and I did just that as I appear behind the masked blond and covered my fist in a gauntlet made of shadows and punched but the guy doged and counter attacked with a punch but I fade into the shadows.

I reappeared to his side and did the same and hid his side and he flew from my punch but he quickly got up and took out his weapon, a javelin and threw it at me in an incredible speed but I covered it in shadows and redirected it at the man and it pierced his leg causing him to scream loudly while sounding manly as he did so.

The others fighting stop as they look at the mysterious person who appeared from nowhere and managed to harm the man. The person the conjured the shadow of the blonde man to knock him out and then turned to everyone and raised his hand and snapped his fingers causing the cobra goons to be restricted by the neck and snap them, killing them.

This then made the teens look green. The big abomination then roared and went after the mysterious man, who looked on in annoyance waived his hand as if to say the abomination is a pesky bug and a black spear emerged from the ground and pierced through its head and the multiple spikes came out of its body and dissolved into the shadows, leaving the bloody body to drop.

The man looked pleased seeing it dead and turned around to see the blonde gone and sighed but seemed to expect it. Then he also disappeared the same way the spears did.

The young team then came to their senses when they heard the helicopter start up and Robin ran of with KF and the others follow focusing on the task at hand, they soon fight some goons but Ms. M takes them out.

They soon reach the helicopter and see it take of but then focus on the man who seems to be in charge and his assistant and ready themselves for a fight. Suddenly Robin appears and throws a birdarang that tied up the girl and then nocked her out and sent a kick to leader, who caught it with his hand and threw Robin back.

"What's wrong boy you look disconcerted." the leader said as Robin grits his teeth but then smiles as he take out a detonator "Well, at least I won't be the only one" and pressed the trigger, causing the fleeing helicopter to blow up and the masked blonde inside to jump out and parachute off to escape.

Seeing this and watching the burning helicopter crash and explode made the leader grit his teeth in anger and frustration. Robin then rushes out again to and but once again is pushed back and walks back disappearing as he says "another time then."

Robin sees this and rushes up to the bushes and peer into the darkness of the jungle, losing him. The whole team then regroup. "Great now Batman is going to be on my heels for this mess."

Hope you all enjoyed it so far but be warned about people talking as I am not that good and so need to rely on following canon really closely but with a few twists. Why I left blondy alive was for plot and is needed. I will strive to be better at making conversations.

And I found the love interest that won't appear for awhile now until later but be warned as I am not good at putting romance in and no harem. Also you need to have watched Young Justice to get the whole story until Vali joins.

Tuddycreators' thoughts
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