

Xiu Mei silently sat on the sofa in the study while watching her husband's back who was fully focused on his conference meeting with their international partners. She could only gaze at his figure whilst she waited for time to pass by. 

Lu Chen stopped her from working too much for the first week since she just got discharged from the hospital, so she listened to him obediently to ease his worries. But aside from working, Xiu Mei really couldn't think of anything to do at all. It almost felt like she didn't know what her life was when she wasn't working at all. 

She sighed. While waiting for Lu Chen to finish his call, she lied down on the sofa and played with her tablet instead. She grabbed her wireless earbuds and read some novels online while passing the time. In the end, she got too engrossed with what she was reading that she didn't even notice that Lu Chen had been watching her for quite some time now. 

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