
Chapter 8

Everyone was just getting settled when Juduan and I joined them in the dining room. Juduan led me over to his father's left pulling out a chair for me to sit. All eyes were on us especially the female, she watched Juduan like a hawk. I can see the look of shock rise over her face when he took a seat next to me. My eyes go to Cressida who sat next to her and on the Queens left. She look to us with a smile full of humor trying to cover it by drinking from her cup.

"Juduan, what are you doing," the female ask through clenched teeth.

"Avoiding a confrontation, Catharine," he answers simply looking to her with a pointed stare, "I'll let you sit in my mates spot tonight, but starting tomorrow and future dinners you're to sit to my mom's right."

"Juduan," his mother gasped looking to her son with shock, "don't speak to your...Catharine like that."

I look down as the atmosphere shifts to a intense one at the close slip up of the Queen. Maybe I shouldn't hold her first reaction of me against her. She has been training and bonding with another female for her son. His mother probably sees Catharine as a daughter in law, especially this close to the crowning ceremony. But I was his true mate, if she doesn't come around to accepting that soon we'll have a problem.

"Thank you, Queen Ranee," Catharine look to her with a appreciative smile, "but your son hasn't offended me with his tone."

I look to the female with sharp narrow eyes. It was clear to me how much she had actually fallen in love with Juduan. Which makes me wonder what the training consist of. My stomach sparks with the familiar heat of jealousy and possessiveness. I quickly took a deep breath to control this sudden anger right when this female made herself known.

"You guys seem apprehensive about your son finding his true mate," Cressida spoke looking to the King and Queen in question, "It's there a problem we're not aware of?"

I look to the King at the head of the table. He was this confident male wolf that radiates power even when he's sitting. The evidence of old age showed on his face, but I was sure he can still keep up with the best of them. The King look to me briefly at Cressida question. His eyes were the same dark color of Juduan and they gave away nothing.

"I find it a little troubling of course," he speaks with clear tone and power in his voice, "I sense werewolf but smell vampire."

Juduan nod at his father's concern words before we shared a quick look, "Asena is a newly turned hybrid, but everything things else besides that will be hers to tell. She's my mate no matter the time, place, or who she is."

"And I'm not opposing that son," his father voice with a simple shrug.

I can feel Juduan physically relax next to me at his father's words. He reached out to tangling his fingers with mind under the table. I couldn't help but feel slightly relieved that his father, the King, didn't fully oppose me. But that can't be said about his mother.

"Son, you just met this girl," his moms points out, "you're crowning ceremony is just under two weeks away. She'll not be prepared to rule by your side."

I grip at my seat swallowing back my tort to the Queens assumption. If I'm not mistaken, isn't it the current Queens job to prepare the future Queen. I'll admit though, I do agree because I won't be prepared. I have a struggle with my memory and now I have to deal with the fact that I'm a hybrid. But she still doesn't have the right to assume that I will not be good enough to stand by my mates side.

"I agree with the Queen," Catharine voice.

"Of course you do," I growled under my breath.

"Asena, doesn't need any preparation in something she is destined to be," Cressida replies lightly, looking to Catharine with a upturn nose.

"What's your opinion, Asena?"

I whip my head to look at the king so fast that I'm sure my neck pop. He was personally asking me for my opinion.

"Well..." I paused slightly looking up to Juduan, "being Queen is not my top concern or priority right now. I have a lot of things to figure out before I can substantially even think about ruling by Juduan side" I look away from Juduan to Catharine and his mom, "but I am his mate, and I won't stand for anyone to push another female into his arms while I am."

Catharine mouth hung open while the Queen just look to me with a straight face. I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at speaking my truth. Juduan place a hand on my left thigh and I instantly felt a hint of pride flow over me.

"Well then shall we eat," the king exclaim with a smile.


Juduan and I left dinner early after helping ourselves to a full helping of stew. The table mostly remain at a awkward silence filled with small talk from Juduan and his father. They vaguely talked about royal business that excluded me, for I didn't know a damn thing they were saying. Before we left Cressida promise to come find me for breakfast in the morning. To say I was tired was an understatement, more like exhausted, and needed a much deserve nap.

"How are you feeling, my Queen," Juduan question looking down to me as we head to our quarters.

"We clearly have a lot of things to talk about," I sighed while admiring the castle fancy interior.

"Yes, but for now, I'll get everything sort out and plan for our trip to the Upper East tomorrow morning."

I finally turn my wandering eyes to him, "it just came to my attention that you're planning on leaving your kingdom, once again, for me. Your ceremony is just around the corner, shouldn't you be here preparing to take the throne."

Juduan chuckles humorlessly, "I cannot take the throne until I'm mated, so staying here will do me no good."

"Is mate and marking too different things?"

Juduan suddenly stop in his tracks pulling me into a stop as well. I turn to face him with a look of surprise and confusion. His dark eyes stare at me with such intensity as they slowly turn into a hazel color. My stomach flutter lightly and my skin crawled with goosebumps as he step closer to me. His strong arms wrap around my waist solidly, pulling me close to his front.

"Yes, but it's different for the royals," he whispered against my ear, "they are one of the same. One is not complete unless you have the other."

I took a intake of breath gripping his forearms tightly as he trailed his lips down my neck. My heart soared at the feel of his fangs poking at my neck were the collar bone meet.

"But we can get into that once your wolf return," he let's out pulling away from me reluctantly.

"Okay," I whispered as he pulls me to continue along down the hall.

We finally entered our corridors just a few minutes later. The bedroom was huge and only furnished with the finest furniture and decoration. Everything was either colored black, gold, or white. Juduan scent surrounded me like a blanket as I walk future into the room.

"Let me show up to your personal corridor," he implies leaning me over to a connect door.

My room had a more feminine touch with a touch of brown, blue, and white as the color scheme. The King size canopy bed was draped with a find fabric and covered in fresh new sheets. I look to find three other doors that mostly lead to my closet, bathroom, and my entryway.

"I assume this was the Luna suit," I ask remembering the order for Trent earlier today, "The suit Catharine was occupying as your chosen mate."

"Yes, but you shouldn't worry about her."

I turn to look at him, "did you fall for her while you guys went through the training?"

"I can't legitimately answer that now that I've found you."

"It's whatever," I wave it off not wanting to get into now, "I want to just go to sleep."

"Of course, my Queen. You should find your duffel in your closet. We'll go out and get you more clothes and essential soon," he says coming over to pull me into a hug, "I'll see you tomorrow, have a good night."

"Good night, Juduan."

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