
Reviews of 14485502




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Hi and thank you for your kind comments. First of all, forgive me for giving myself the highest mark, however if I didn't, I would certainly be the last of the fools. Kasamiyo_Akasawa, how nice of you to compare me to what I'm certainly not: A professional writer. If my work could be useful to you, then I'm glad. However, I'm a fervent advocate of complete freedom of writing. I make sure that I renounce all the established rules of writing and this, to the great despair of the rigorists of the pen who sometimes do not fail to point this out to me. Jin, I will make sure not to get lost in the darkness that I affectionate so much. Elianus, mdr. Sex is coming very soon.

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What can I say about this novel except that it's very well written. There are flaws. For example, first fellatio - chapter 13 - (Are you kidding us?) He hands us a candy and then not. When we want to eat it, the author takes back his gift. Apart from this small major drawback, I really like this novel.


I don't have both your talent to leave my feedback and I use Google trad but I love this novel. I just one question that burns my lips. When does the Real ***** content that readers expect begin? Well, I'm in a hurry.


I couldn't agree whith you more. I follow this author for a long time. When he avoids to sinking into darkness, he's able to write sublime novels. Since English is not his language, I would very much like to be able to discover the original versions. It's a pity that he's never put forward but excellent work once again. Stay in the light.


Oh wow... Although there are only 4 chapters for now I'm amazed by creative skills of the author. The beggining is great, really catchy, enough to grab everyone's attention. I like the way author created the world and how he tries to introduce readers to every aspect of it. This is the best novel I've read on this platform so far. I wouldn't be surpridsed if the author turns out to be some famous writer hiding behind a nickname. Not only it was entertaining but also I managed to learn something useful for my own future writing. Great job! I can't really say anything about update stability but I don't want to spoil the 5 star rating. But really I would be happy even with 1 chapter a month as long as the quality of writing remains high. And by main page I can see that Author updates much more than that. I really want this novel to became successful because it deserves millions of views.