
Chapter 13: Ranking in Soul Dividing School.

Chin Ju sat down within the Soul Ortation Array spirit circle waiting for it to start-up. He had waited for a full 20 minutes before anything happened until a yellow dim light started to circle around him. He looked toward the other participants that were around him, it seemed that none of them were seeing anything as they were all acting normal as before. He then looked toward the people in the crowd that were showing the same reaction, but when he was watching earlier there was no yellow light, so why is it different for him?

'Is something wrong?' A thought quickly went through his head, but before he could say something the scenery around him already changed.

The yellow light enveloped his body leaving no trace of the people or the crowd that was in front of him. When the yellow light started to fade away enough so, where Chin Ju could see past it, everything was gone.

The only thing that he could see was that it looked like a wall surrounded him on all four sides, almost as if he was in a box. Inside the box a brim light shined out of one of the corners, barely able to keep light within the room. There also seemed to be a forest within the small box with a couple of trees, rocks and twigs.

Chin Ju walked toward the closest wall and touched it trying to see if he could break out, but all attempts were futile. He quickly realized that he was trapped within the Soul Ortation Array.

"Wow this is amazing just a second ago I was within the Soul Dividing School, but it looks like I'm in a completely different place now!" Chin Ju thought that spirits truly are amazing. Just a couple of symbols with some yellow light, and he's somewhere completely different.


Chin Ju turned around to quickly found a black figure on four legs staring at him. Almost a wolf, but there was no fur on the creature. If anything it's appearance was barely there just perfectly suspending its body. Without any warning the creature started to rush at Chin Ju jumping into the air with its mouth wide open.

Chin Ju was first surprised, but it quickly went away as fast as it came. He ducked down making the wolf figure go over his head as they both switch sides. Chin Ju looked behind him as he quickly started to run at the wolf figure not giving it the chance to attack again.

He had ran up to the wolf hitting it in the back left leg with his right foot putting all his body weight into it. The wolf figure bent both of it legs slightly to absorb some of the impact from the hit, but while it was binding his legs Chin Ju arched his back. Bringing his hand down, and to grab one of the rock's off the floor. Making his hand come up while holding the rock, he made it collided with the wolf figure-head making it fall over to its side.

Chin Ju had brought his leg up and stomped on the head of the wolf figure, making it disappeared. "This Soul Dividing School, truly is amazing not only did it take me somewhere else, but it even made creature to fight me. Brother was not kidding when he said that it was like making something out of nothing."



In thin air another wolf showed up slowly forming its self, but this time another two wolf's follow suit. Making three in totaled, it took fifteen minutes for all three to finally finish through. Chin Ju had plenty of time to attack but what is the point? This is a test to see your power, not to kill something that not even able to attack back.

Two were roaring while the other was already charging at Chin Ju. He threw the rock in his hand to the wolf that was already charging him. Seeing the rock the wolf dodged to the left, getting out-of-the-way, but when it dodged it quickly found Chin Ju right behind it.

Chin Ju moved along the side of the wolf getting out of its view. He then jumped on to the back when he got close enough, wrapping his arm around its neck putting it into a head lock. The wolf tried tossing Chin Ju off, but the grip Chin Ju had on it was not losing even a little. Like a snake the grip seemed to only tighten harder the wolf wiggled Chin Ju off.


Before Chin Ju could finish it off the other two wolf's had already caught up, one of them jumping into the air trying to bite Chin Ju's neck. While the other was keeping its distance ready to pounce Chin Ju if he jumps off. Even though the wolf's were barely solid that didn't mean they weren't lethal. They had an attack formation that was ready to attack Chin Ju at every turn.

Seeing this, Chin Ju nudged his body, enough where his feet could land firmly onto the ground. Still having the grip on the wolf, he threw it at the other one in midair. He then moved his body down to the ground grabbing a stick.

While he was doing that the two wolves that were in midair landed onto each other landing right next Chin Ju. He grabbed the stick that was in his hand and rose it above his head to then bring it down on both wolf's, striking them.


Both of them at the same time disappeared out of thin air. The last wolf that was watching all this started to back up a little when it meet Chin Ju's eyes.

"Wow, there almost living things! They don't bleed, but they breath, and when you kill them they disappear. If I ever truly meet one of these spirits I have to learn from them if possible." Chin Ju just couldn't get over these amazing spirits are. Excitement ran though Chin Ju thinking of the new possiblies of this world.

Chin Ju ran up to the last wolf raising both of his hands together making a V-shape out of his arms and slammed them onto the top of the last wolf head and just like that the last wolf disappeared.



If someone were to see Chin Ju right now they would be frighten for a 13-year-old just ruthlessly killed without blinking an eye, but what was truly scary was that he was smiling. He's breathing hard, but he still has a smile on his face.

While Chin Ju was breathing heavy he was looking around him, waiting for the next enemy to show up. When out of no where the air around one spot started to spin making a small tornado. Tossing leaves and sticks up into the air, but to Chin Ju it felt a light breeze.

'Strange normal that would be enough were ill be struggling to stay on the floor but here its like a nice breeze.' Chin Ju couldn't imagen how that was possible.

After a twenty had passed the tornado went away dropping all the leaves and sticks. Standing in the middle was a creature with black armor covering its body with a flat head that had two red eyes. Its sharp teeth were showing that could easily cut straight to bone. The creature was the size of Chin Ju only being the size of a kid but still to Chin Ju that was no different then being a full-grown adult.

"Wow, it can even create an Armor Flex that can only be found in hot areas." Chin Ju has spent most of his time trapped in a room making pills in the way of the medicine. There's been times were they bring 20 to 80 book recording places with information on its terrain and animals. Making Chin Ju very familiar with the plants and animal because some animal can carry very rare medicine on them.

"Its on the first level to Earth Realm." Chin Ju smile grew even more with his fighting spirit. Besides the fight with Lan Xai at the gate he hasn't actually fight anything with cultivation of any sort.

The fight with Lan Xai was just where he had to hit him which to Chin Ju wasn't even a real fight. If Lan Xai were to know that he wouldn't know rather to cry or to laugh, because of that fight he lost miserably.

The Armor Flex scraped its left leg across the floor ready to charge Chin Ju lifting its head up and down. Chin Ju also getting ready, he reached down grabbing a rock in one hand, and in the other grabbed a sharp stick. With a tree spreading the two the Armor Flex has to run around it or go through it. Either way Chin Ju will be prepared for both outcomes.

Armor Flex bolted to the left side of the tree running full speed kicking up dirt behind it. Chin Ju also ran to the right cutting off the Armor Flex until there was five feet from the two. He then took the rock and throw it as hard as he could into the right eye of the Armor Flex.

The Armor Flex turned its head from the rock slightly enough to dodge it, but who's his opponent? Chin Ju used that opportunity stabbing his left foot into the ground making enough momentum to make a sharp cut to his right. He then took the stick, and stabbed into the knee cap of the Armor Flex.

Making contact with the Armor Flex the stick split into two half's, not even leaving a scratch into the Armor Flex. The Armor Flex turned around and slammed its body against Chin Ju sending him flying into one of the near by trees.

Upon impact the tree split just like the stick that hit the Armor Flex, but unlike the Armor Flex, Chin Ju was throwing up blood and a couple of broken bones. If this was a normal person just getting hit by the Armor Flex would be enough to kill them ten times over, but Chin Ju has a God Body how could it not with stand it.

Chin Ju took his hand to his mouth and wiped away the blood leaving his smile behind it. Right now he looked like a child that would hunt your dreams. He has blood all over him with a smile covering him, and he's only 13. How would that not be enough to scare someone?!

Chin Ju realizing that a stick wont kill it. He switched back to a rock that he got off the ground, but instead of charging the Armor Flex he instead hit it against another rock making both break into pieces. Shacking his head no, Chin Ju grabbed another normal rock, but before he could hit against another rock the Armor Flex charged straight into him.

Chin Ju dodge to the left running away from it. He took the distance that he made and took the rock hitting it against another, but he did the same thing shaking his head no. He then repeat this progress seventeen times with the Armor Flex right behind him and when he had enough room he would hit the rock against another. Finally when it was right he grabbed one of the broken pieces he made from the smashing the rocks. Inspecting the piece that came out it that had a sharp edge running across from it to one end to another.

With the Armor Flex charging this time Chin Ju didn't dodge he instead ran up to it head on. When The Armor Flex was three feet away Chin Ju jumped into the air hopping onto the back of the Armor Flex. Then with his sharp rock he started to hack at the neck of the Armor Flex there is were its weak point is located.

Chin Ju had watched the Armor Flex while he was running around, and he saw that were the Armor Flex turns its body parts its armor around that area well be very weak. So, with all Chin Ju strength he raised the rock and repeatedly started to go for the neck.

What was the Armor Flex, its categorized as a beast how could it be that easy to beat, it tossed and turned around hitting its body against stuff, but it was no hope. Chin Ju already had his legs wrapped around the Armor Flex neck. Even as the Armor Flex was running its body against other stuff making it hit Chin Ju legs it was no hope he wasn't losing his grip even a little.

Finally the beast stopped and fell over with Chin Ju right under its body. Chin Ju tried to get out from under its body but all attempts were no good.

'I have to kill it.' Chin Ju remembered that every time they died they disappear, so with barely any room to move his arms he got them far enough were he could do one final swing. He first sat there for a while getting his breath back then he unleashed the final move.