

Editor: Exodus Tales

"Master," Bartoli whispered to Abel, "This must be some sort of trap!"


"I don't know how valuable magic staff is in this world, but shouldn't they all be priced differently? You know, depending on how hard it is to make them. It's not mentioned here, though. It just says that you're supposed to make one.

Abel was starting to notice, too. So far, all he did was create one magic staff, but the contract didn't give any specific request on its quality of it. Whoever made this contract must've forgotten to do that. As for the price, he probably just made a rough guess based on the cost of his raw ingredients.

Most importantly, he was probably trying to trick Abel, who was a newcomer to Liante City. Abel didn't know too much about how things worked here. He didn't have a lot of points, either, so it was natural for him to pick up any mission that he felt comfortable doing.

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