
The Shot

It was the next morning and Elizabeth had just arrived at school. She had left Derek to rest at her apartment, promising that she'd take care of everything.

After a few minutes of searching she finds Scott and Stiles talking in the hallway.

"You two. My classroom, now" she orders walking past them. Hearing the urgency in her tone, the boys don't waste anytime trailing behind her.

"What did you do?!" Scott whisper shouts at his best friend.

"Wha-what did I do?! Nothing! Why is always me that's done something?" Stiles asked incredulously.

Entering her classroom Elizabeth took a seat at her desk and the boys stood. "Last night Derek Hale was shot. The bullet had a a rare wolfsbane in it, he'll die if it's not healed soon" She tells them.

"Oh thank God. I thought something bad had happened" Stiles sighed in relief and Scott snorted in amusement.

"Don't be so fucking heartless Stiles. I know you two have had some bad experience with Derek in the past, but it's time to move forward. We all have a common enemy." Elizabeth said, but she was smiling as well.

"So what the hell are we supposed to do?" Scott questioned, not seeing how he could be of any help in this situation.

"Scott I already marked your science test. You got a D minus. As bad as that is, it'll be helpful. So what you're going to do is use your shit grades as an excuse to have a study date with Allison tonight."

Scott was slightly depressed about his grade, but that feeling quickly turned into confusion. "What does Allison have to do with this?"

"The person who shot Derek was Kate Argent, Allison's aunt. On your study date you're going to look through her things and search for the bullet that was used to shoot Derek. It should be called Nordic Blue Monkshood. Bring the bullet to my apartment as soon as you've got it, we'll use it to help Derek." Elizabeth instructed "It's the least you could do. After all, you were the ones that got him arrested for the murder of his own sister"

"So you basically want me to use my girlfriend to steal from her family?" Scott asked reluctantly. He felt like he was betraying Allison in some way.

"Listen Scott. Allison may not be our enemy yet and she might never be, but the Argents are most certainly not our friends. Don't think for a second that Kate Argent wouldn't kill you if she got the chance. I have no doubt that we will eventually butt heads with the hunters, and it won't end well for your relationship." She said ruthlessly. Elizabeth leaned forward before continuing. "So tell me Scotty, who do think Allison would choose? You, her boyfriend of maybe a week and a half. Or her family? Don't be stupid Scott, the people who actually care about you are in this room." Elizabeth wanted to remove any delusions he might have.

Scott just nodded silently, not giving away what he was thinking at all.

"So what do I do?" Stiles cut in, feeling very out of place. And just like that the tense atmosphere dissolved.

"Nothing Stiles. Just come to my place after school while Scott goes to Allison's."

"Miss Eve-" Stiles was cut off by Elizabeth.

"We no longer have the typical student teacher relationship, wouldn't you agree? So outside class you can call me Elizabeth, ok love?" She said kindly.

"Uhh, Ok Elizabeth. About the offer you gave me yesterday, Is it still on the table"

"Why? Have you decided to take it?" She inwardly cheered.

"Yea I have actually. It wasn't an easy decision, like, really not easy, but I want the bite. I realise if I really want to help, being a werewolf is the best way to do it." He replied resolutely. Scott didn't look surprised since they had discussed this earlier.

Elizabeth put on a big smile. "We'll do it tonight then, after Dereks healed. Trust me when I say you made the right decision." She said excitedly.


After school Elizabeth had returned back to her apartment with Stiles, Derek was still there. The three of them were currently on her couch, wishing that Scott would hurry up.

"I know I'm supposed to wait till after all this is done, but can we just get it over with? I don't think I can wait any longer" Stiles was very enthusiastic about becoming werewolf now that he had come to terms with his decision.

"What's he talking about?" Derek asked tiredly.

"I'm turning him into a werewolf." Elizabeth says casually, like its no big deal.

Dereks eyes widen in surprise. "Are sure about that? He doesn't seem like he could handle it."

"Hey 'he' is right here, and I can handle it perfectly fine" Stiles retorted feeling insulted.

"You heard the kid. He can handle it just fine." Turning to Stiles Elizabeth raises an eyebrow. "And no. This is an important occasion for you, Scott should be here to witness his best friends change. Besides, there are more pressing matters to attend to. Give me Scott's number."

Stiles recites his number whilst Elizabeth puts it on speed dial. She calls the number.


"Hello? Who is this" Scott asks

"Scott? It's me Elizabeth. You need to hurry up, have you found the bullet yet?"

"Yea I got it, but I have to wait for dinner to end. Kate Argent wants to get to know me, she won't take no for an answer."

Before she could respond there were loud footsteps and Scott hung up,

"Okay. You know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night of sleep couldn't take care of." Stiles said optimistically

"When the infection reaches my heart, it'll kill me." He replied monotonously.

"Positivity just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?" He asked sarcastically. "He'll be here soon, don't worry."

Derek closed his eyes disappointedly "If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time - Last resort." He voiced resolutely.

"Which is?" Asked Elizabeth, already knowing the answer.

"You're gonna cut off my arm" he responded painfully.

Elizabeth shook her head. "It won't come to that. Have a little faith in him, he may be a bloody dipshit, but he'll get the job done"


It was a few minutes later that Scott came bursting in with the bullet in hand, much to Elizabeth's surprise.

'He wasn't this quick before. Derek hasn't even coughed any black blood yet, what changed?'

Grabbing the bullet from Scott she quickly handed it to Derek. "Go on then"

Opening up the bullet Derek spilled out some sort of herb before heating it with lighter. From here on out the procedure went just like in the show.

"That - Was - Awesome! Yes!" Stiles cheered in excitement.

"Are okay?" Scott asked.

"Well, except of the agonising pain" Derek rolled his eyes.

"I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health."

Elizabeth turned to Scott. "How did you get here so fast? I thought you'd be there longer with how much you said they were insisting you stay for the entire dinner"

"Well I couldn't just stay there eating and talking like everything was normal. You told me to hurry, so I had to hurry ." He answered, looking at her like it was stupid that she asked.

'It seems like the difference is that he has an alpha now. Instead of dilly dallying and wasting time at the Argents like in the show, he had an alpha who needed him to be somewhere. This was more important to his wolf' She couldn't but smirk inside "Glad to see you've fucking started to listen to me"

Elizabeth put on a smile. "Now Derek. As you can see we make a pretty good team, and everyone knows that a lone wolf doesn't last long. So how about it? Our pack has room for another" She said sweetly.

Derek fell silent, clearly thinking hard. "What is your stance on the other alpha and the Argents?" He asked.

"The Alpha is an enemy, we'll kill it when we get the chance. As for the Argents, I know you blame them for the fire, but it wasn't all of them. The main perpetrator is Kate Argent, and the only thing left for her now, is a slow and painful death." Stiles and Scott said nothing after receiving a death glare from Elizabeth, deciding to ask about what they had just heard tomorrow.

Derek took a deep breath before replying. "Then we have a deal. I'll follow your orders now Alpha."

"Wait, wait, wait. Sour wolf is joining the pack? Are sure you don't want to rethink this decision Elizabeth?" Stiles wouldn't admit, but Derek still terrified him.

"Now, now Stiles, Derek won't kill you since he's one of us. But he'll probably hurt you for saying something so unwelcoming." She giggled. "Enough with the banter. Are you ready Stiles? I can turn you now if you're prepared."

"Yes! Now is good. Hurry let's get this over with, so I can see what Scott's been bitching about. Because I've been rather skeptical about these so called 'downsides' of becoming a Freaking Werewolf!" He rattled of eagerly.

"If you say so" Elizabeth's eyes immediately turned red and her canines grew drastically. Stepping forward she grabbed Stiles's uncovered arm, pulled it toward her mouth and bit it.

Stiles groaned in pain before passing out at the sight of his own blood. 'Huh. It taste surprisingly good.' Elizabeth thought while licking his blood and flesh from her fangs.

It wasn't long before Stiles woke up. "Wow" he whispered. Stiles could hear all the way down the street. He felt much stronger, and physically he looked fitter. He turned to Scott with look of shock "Is this what you were complaining about? You ungrateful little shit" Elizabeth and Derek immediately burst out laughing while Scott sputtered indignantly trying to justify his feelings, claiming that'd get worse on the full moon.

In the end Scott just called his mom and said he was staying at Stiles's house whilst Stiles called his dad and said he was sleeping at Scott's house. All the while the four Werewolf's sat in their alphas apartment watching bad movies. Eventually they all fell asleep on the couch. Hakuna Matata.(Note: That song is stuck in my head after Lion king lol)


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