

~~PA WOO~~

PA WOO arrived to mansion within 15 minutes quite aware what will his both misses do if he will reach last. He parked the car and started walking towards the door, seo shi was the one who opened the door for PA WOO, he was quite surprised by this because he haven't even ringed the door bell.

"come in... come in... UNCLE WOO, you are the only one who is left for us, dad and mom betrayed us... all of us..." seo shi said teasingly while faking her tears. PA WOO was taken back by this act, he knows this miss of his is literally unbearable sometimes but she is cute at the same time. "seo shi let UNCLE WOO enter, i want his suggestion regarding all these arrangments" ha rin annoyed voice could be heard. so seo shi quickly aside and grabbed PA WOO arm, make him enter the house, she quickly gave him the slippers she aranged for him earlier. PA WOO replaced his shoes in the rack and wore those pink colored slipper's. seo shi was watching his behavious closely, she is laughing internally because she was well aware he doesn't like pink but arranged these to annoy him. 'he is so cute, while wearing these slipper's... i will satisfied by doing this, he was going take my invitation 2 hours ago, he deserves a good beating... hahaha...' she laughed internally and moved back to living room leaving PA WOO alone there but she heard him saying something but didn't bother to anwser him.

"miss can i make a call first, then we will continue doing our preparation for party" he asked but got no answer from this 'angrybird' miss, how did he end up offending this whole family, for sure he will get a good beating from all of them, "lord!! have mercy, on this handsome, creation of yours, otherwise i will be visiting you soon" he left out sigh and dailed the number of his secret agent. The phone was answered in one ring, he was annoyed after hearing the other side. "boss, master's gps tracker is off... it can't be helped. It will take time sorry boss... my team is following all the leads we will find him within hour" the guy informed and dropped the call imediately. Literally his master is torturing him to dead, wasn't working for him enough tradegy now he is doing all this. 'master doesn't want me to live more... it's always said that womens creates problem, they make your life like hell... i would love if LIZA will do that, but why my master is doing this???' he thought to himself and started to recall where his master might go with his madam. He knows his master well, but can't help it, he is really afraid, something might have happened to them. Finally rearranging all him thoughts he enterred the living room but was quite impressed by all the work that girls have done.

"beautiful...." any a word that he arranged to say, he was speechless... after seeing the beautiful arrangement but it was quite fimilar arrangment he paused to recall the event bit also asked of out curiosty "who prepared all this" curiosty could be sensed by his tone so seo shi wanted to play game once again. "UNCLE WOO, i will tell you who have done all the arrangements, only if you will tell me who was the girl with you... no no... girls tell me... quickly. Don't waste my time...." she got interrupted by ha rin "Is there anything else you think without this?? i already pity your future boyfriend" ha rin said teasingly and turned toward PA WOO, he was like 'young miss don't drag me.... plz i really want to live' PA WOO want to say it loud but stopped the earge. "UNCLE WOO, don't you think i am right" ha rin said in teaseful manner and anger could be sensed coming in seo shi direction, she was given right name 'angry bird'. "i will give both of you a good beating... you both wait for tomorrow... you will cry to death... both of you" seo shi spilt her angry while pointing towards both of them and left the living room. Now, there were only two of them and ha rin could sense questioning look in PA WOO'S eye's. "ohh!! UNCLE WOO, don't you know her, would she can do all this, i have done all this, with my bare hands... see my hands are hurting... i can't clean up the mess now, you do it i will be leaving now... bye, see you... and also don't forget to tell me about that girl" ha rin said giving him a look and left the room laughing to herself. PA WOO was in daze, he is really use and throw material for whole family, both of them called him just to clean the mess left. I am not a maid, but he doesn't have any choice.

"WOO JUNG, what will happen if your colleague's and agents working under you will see this... they don't dare to make any sound in front of you, all of them are afraid of you, but these two miss are like i am their toy... ahhh!!!" PA WOO said to himself and suddenly his phone started ringing. It was the call from his secret agent, he imedaitely picked up the call.

"what the...., where are they?? i am coming, give me the location, i will be there... what?? they are in north? why the hell was master in north??" PA WOO said really tensed after hearing this. He wants to go to his master right now because it was the region that person lives, he must have done something to his master that's why, his master and madam had a accident. His mind was running wild with all these thought and now how was he going to explain it to his both young misses. He was really in trouble, he was blaming himself for this. "Take both of them to hospital, i will be right there" he said to his agent and dropped the call, he was so scared and puzzled he even didn't take all the information from the caller, as if the caller was saying nonsense and he already understood whole matter.

"Damn it, why master.... why did you go to north and didn't even inform me... now what i am going to do, shit!!!! he called me but didn't said a word about accident...did accident happened before or after the call... ohh!!! lord" hearing PA WOO cursing and shouting loudly, ha rin and seo shi hurriedly returned to living. Both of them were shocked to see, their UNCLE WOO almost crying, his eyes were red and drop of tear escape his eye, when he saw them.

Ha rin and seo shi got worried, from the scene they were witnessing both of them were dumbfolded, seeing him crying like this, they had never thought he will have this face also. He was sweet and soft with them but they were well aware from the evidence, that is... he is working for their dad, from enough time and that itself prove his hidden background and shaddy aura. Both of them were confused, they both thought had someone most have died to make him behave like this so they asked without wasting further time.

Seo shi was impatient because she was listening her favourite idols song... the album they brought before returning home. She want to quickly to finish why PA WOO was behaving like this... she wants to listen the song and watch the performance. she cursed ha rin in her head 'wasn't she enough, now he also came' she glanced towards ha rin who had already started crying. Seo shi felt helpless 'troublesome, now whom should i comfort' she said to herself and finally ignored ha rin, she is always like this... what will happen to her if mom, dad and me is not there. "UNCLE WOO, tell me quickly what happened" she said to PA WOO but didn't got any reply. Now, she was really annoyed, she once again asked and this time she got answer but she wasn't expecting that tradegy to come. "UNCLE WOO, just tell us, what happened, you are killing us like this" she asked and ha rin also joined her "yes, UNCLE you are scaring me to death, tell us" PA WOO looked up in their direction and watched there innocent face's. He finally brought all his courage and said "master and madam had a car accident".

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