
Old Verynzai

Ducky patted Pon on the back, her all-blue eyes filled with humor. "No real damage was done."

Pon frowned at the Water Witch, who pretended not to notice. It had taken him and Nix half the night to free the remaining residents from the frozen tombs that their homes had become. The old man had set fire to several buildings over the course of the evening, while Nix showed inhuman control of his flames. Had Ducky not been present with her water abilities, they might have lost those structures. "I haven't had the dread flames for long..."

Nix grinned at the old man's expression; the two of them sat at a table in the city jail. The prisoners had been set free, and the remaining guards were helping out the residents of Dharta. He checked his hud for the time and promptly stood up. "With me, old man."

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