
Rise Of Kirigakure

Author: MistHermit
Ongoing · 25.9K Views
  • 2 Chs
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An ex-assassin prodigy who wanted out of his dark solitary life and had been seeking redemption finally found it in death.. or so he thought. He instead gets reincarnated into a world he has no prior knowledge about. A world which he thought was just another work of fiction having a huge fan base, has become his current reality. A world filled with ninjas way more outlandish and powerful than his any of his experiences, a world revolving around chakra, body enhancements, techniques, seals, elemental affinities and blood lines. A world of both light and darkness, having secrets of its own. He is once again forced back into the same situation he had tried to escape from, only this time the choices are his alone to make and there will be no mercy. He receives neither any powerful bloodline nor any all-powerful cheat system, instead he receives only an extremely basic system that helps map his progress. All he can rely on are his past life experiences, techniques and received blessings to forge his own path and destiny. To stand tall above all and for once be the one who dictates the rules. A complete upheaval of the established story-line and revival of a grossly underestimated and weakened shinobi village into a frighteningly powerful behemoth in its own rights.

Chapter 1The End of a Legacy

An unknown mountain cliff in a hidden forest somewhere deep in Arizona. The entire landscape bears the signs of battle, with destroyed rocks and broken trees all around. Two men are on the cliff facing off against each other.

On one end, a tall, muscular middle-aged man having dark black unkempt hair with a few strands of grey, upturned sword like eyebrows and red pupils. His body being extremely well-toned, the epitome of human perfection without a single shred of fat. He is wearing a torn sleeveless black Gi with the Kanji of Demon in red on the back, sanguine gauntlets and shin guards while being bare foot. His other wise flawless God like body has blood flowing out of both his mouth and the fist sized hole in his chest, while also having many minor cuts and bruises.

On the other end is a boy of Asian origins, roughly 18-19 years of age, on his knees. He has a lean athletic build and shoulder length straight hair falling down masking his face. He is wearing a midnight blue hooded overcoat, obsidian close linked mesh undershirt along with black military pants, military boots and custom-made finger-less metallic gloves. One of his hands is bloodied and hanging limply by his side while the other is on the floor supporting his body up, he is facing down while tears endlessly flow down his otherwise decent face marred with a few nicks here and there.

"Ken…What are you sniveling on the floor like a dog for, you whelp.. This was an outcome that was bound to have happened. Nobody just ghosts the agency, especially not the one heralded as their next leader. Add to that there can only be one master of the Yomi Ansatsu Geijutsu, only one Akuma. This is the rite of passage to make sure of its secretive and deadly existence while supporting the balance, since ancient times.. No one can escape that fate, neither me nor you… So raise your head and stand tall, pup"

"But Sensei, I.. I…. why is it you?… I…"

Looking down at his one and only disciple, Akuma thinks to himself "Che.. I knew this kindness of yours will become your Achilles heel.. Ken.. you mastered everything I had to teach while being even more diligent than even I ever was. You ended up perfecting the art of silent one-hit-kills to prevent any needless suffering or savagery and to top it all you even mastered that fearsome camouflage technique of yours to such an extent that even I had trouble sensing you. The best kind of student I could have ever hoped for, the one son I truly took pride in and the best assassin… but this flaw of yours… Haishh.. just when did the wolf I raised turn into a pup."

Addressing his pitiful looking student once again, "Ken.. some other time I would have smacked your sorry arse to King Yama's gates for daring to sully my name and honor with your childish illusions of redemption and mercy but I neither have the time nor patience to discipline you now.. Consider this my one and only act of compassion as both your teacher and as a practitioner of the Satsui no Hado.. GET LOST!!.. Go, disappear from the face of this earth, use everything you have learned and live the quiet life of redemption you seek, if at all it is even possible.. I will buy you sometime, for how long I know not. Just let the bloody legacy of the Yomi technique die off with the both of us. BEGONE NOW!!!"

Ken, ends up looking up only to see the back of his master. All his past experiences flash past his eyes, his days as an orphan on the brink of death, his sheer stupidity of having tried to steal food from this person only to have seen the gates of Yama while his eyes were still open, the endless torturous training that followed, secretly having seen the feared Akuma cover him with blanket in the chilly nights when he was too tired to realize he dozed out or killing any beast which neared him when he was lying half dead on the forest floor either due to exhaustion or poisoning. A lump formed in his throat and a pain far worse than any felt before ravaged his heart. He wanted to lash out, knock this up strung traditionalist master of his and escape together, but he knew this man's pride and stubbornness once he has decided on something and also that his way of life will forbid him from continuing living if something like that ever happened. So even though it tore him apart, he pushes his already weak and exhausted body to bow down one last time before completely disappearing from the site, without a single word.

"HMPH!!… not even a word of thanks.. stupid unfilial brat.. Che… Okay so how many rats decided to come along.. one, two…. twenty huh!.. The Agency's got pretty weak recently, sending these kind of shit.. Hmm, I think I should last for another 3-4 minutes.. So be it.. Let the last battle of this Akuma became the terror that shall keep all vermin away from MY SON.. COME… HAAAHHHHHH!!!!"

A tremendous explosion of slaughter intent and Ki blasts throughout the forest covering a large distance for a few minutes before completely disappearing. All animals and birds still within the forest had just stopped quaking in primal fear within their hiding spots when an equally loud heart wrenching scream filled with pain, loss and rage bursts out from somewhere deep within before the forest completely quiets down. It takes some more time before both the forest and all its inhabitants return back to normalcy.


A middle aged bearded man calmly sitting in a cross legged meditation pose below a waterfall suddenly jolts awake and opens his eyes. He takes a few seconds to calm down and realize where he is before once again closing his eyes.

"Haish... Now that is one memory I seriously didn't want to remember....but why this flashback after all these years?... Why Now?".

Suddenly his ears twitch a little as he hears the sound of hurried footsteps and fast labored breathing before hearing an all too familiar childish voice laced with fear and worry, "Doctor Samaaa..... Doctor Samaaa..."

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Table of Contents
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Wraith Of The Mist