

"SYMLA, the carriage you are going to use is ready. You can go now to Mt. Gonzales." Lyra said. Lyra was her friend. She accompanied her in her journey. Symla nodded and fix her black veil and cape. Those things protects her scent.

All of them were wearing veil and cape but Symla was the only one wearing black color. It was her favorite. She was also wearing a black Victorian dress. She was well dressed from neck to toe. The sleeves of her dress reached her hand. Aside from that, she was wearing black gloves that protect her from showing skin.

The moment they found out about her ability to carry a vampire child, they protected her with all their might. Every week, they transferred her from different caves. One week was the longest time she stayed in one cave. They all tried not to trace her. The war continued. There was no more human on the battlefield. Even humans suffered from that war.

Wolves were ruthless. They heard that vampires were killed through sunlight heartlessly. Vampires were outnumbered and wolves took advantage of it. Symla wanted to help. She wanted to do something. But because of what she discovered about herself, she needed to hide. Wolves also found out about her so they were doing the best they can not to trace her.

Symla knew all about it from Teves. He came from the battlefield. He just came back and saved her. Teves was also Symla's friend. He was protecting her too. Aside from Teves and Lyra, other vampires accompanied them to travel.

Those were one of the things changed in Symla's life. She was the 'Black Saint' that they have been waiting for—vampire salvation. But for Symla, until now, it was a mystery why she was called 'Black Saint'. If she asked the elders about it, their answer was simple: the one who can carry a vampire child called 'Black Saint'. Symla still didn't get it. She is not contented on their reasons. She sighed on that thought.

Symla seated inside the carrier, beside Lyra. They headed out. After a few hours of travel, Symla's forehead wrinkled as the carriage ran faster. She looked at Lyra as well. She saw obvious nervous on her face.

"W-What is happening?" Symla asked. She was worried. She holds the rail. She almost fell when they passed through the small pit.

"Wolves… I can smell them. You can't smell it?" Lyra asked.

Symla tried to smell their scent but couldn't. As time goes by, her ability to smell other scent was slowly fading. Just like that moment. Symla couldn't smell those wolves. She needed to put a lot of effort to smell their scents.

"W-Wolves…" Symla whispered the moment she smelled wolves' scent. Her heart pounded wildly and she shivered. Until now, she's not used to her heart's reaction.

"I'll take a look,' Lyra said and headed out. In just blink of an eye, while the carrier was moving fast, Symla was left alone inside. She silently hoped and wished for their safety. Minutes had passed, Symla heard a clash above and the noise of wild beasts.

Then something trickled on the floor and she shivered. She smelled the scent of blood and her fangs instantly shows. Slowly, she calmed herself and looked above. She was so shocked to see Lyra's bloody face in the ruined ceiling. Lyra is dead.

In a brief moment, Lyra lost at Symla's sight and thrown somewhere. Lyra died just like that! Symla was terrified in fear. The carrier slowly stopped and Symla remained inside. She could still hear the noise of wild beasts outside. She may not know what was happening, the fear she felt was beyond recognition.

Symla shaken when a wild beast grabbed the door and ruined it. She was surprised to see the black wolf. His size was extraordinary. And it wasn't alone. There were five of them. Those five wolves were staring at her angrily. They were drooling. They were too excited about killing her.

Symla swallowed hard and grab the window. She tried to escape by using the window but wolves were too fast. They instantly caught her legs and their claws injured her. Symla screamed in pain. But the wolves didn't hesitate. They pulled her legs and pulled her out.

Symla screamed again in pain. The wolves' claws have poison and she felt her legs were slowly liquefying. When the wolves released her legs, she couldn't stand. The pain was draining her energy. Her fangs shows when the wolf tried to touch her again.

"Shh!" she groaned. She grabbed his furry arm and bites it. She was ready to fight for her life!

The wolf howl in pain and a powerful blow made him free. He threw Symla into a tree and she felt her rib broke. She knew she could recover but it would take a minute. She's not like any vampire who instantly heal. Right now, she needed blood to do that.

She was too weak to make a move. She prepared herself for the attack. The wolf ran quickly towards her until another large white wolf ran into it. The wolf howl in pain and Symla didn't wonder why. The white wolf was bigger and fiercer. He could easily break their bones.

Symla swallowed. She could feel the tension, she could almost taste it. The whole place was surrounded by howling and groaning of angry wolves. She didn't know if the white wolf was her hero o villain but base on his position—he was standing in front of her—like he was protecting her. The wolves were getting ready to attack. They were all drooling. Fangs were getting bigger. They were all getting fiercer.

And it happened. They attacked at once. Those four wolves were against the white wolf. Symla was so shocked seeing the white wolf fight. In terms of number, the white wolf was outnumbered but he could still fight. He was a warrior. He was wise. He could fight them head-on.

He knew where to bite them so they will lose their power and couldn't fight back. Because of that, he immediately knocked down his opponents. She was amazed by his capabilities, his strength and his endurance to fight. Symla was watching in awe. She didn't notice the pain in her ribs and legs at that time. She was just… too amazed watching him.

Slowly, the white wolf transformed into a human. Symla was stunned to see his naked body! Her heart was beating so damn fast while watching his nakedness. She couldn't control herself. The man was too beautiful. It was really hard for her to ignore.

Symla could only see the man's back. It was full of scars but for Symla, he was still beautiful. He possessed a broad shoulder and narrow waist. And his ass! Symla swallowed again. That was the first time she saw a naked man!

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