
Proof of Concept

Dusty, wet and filled with cobwebs, it was hardly like the clean workspaces that he had grown used to all that time ago. But then, in a strange way, it reminded him of the run-down apartment that he had first started out in, with its mold on the walls and questionable stains on the floor.

He closed that door behind him with a click and wandered over to the only table in the room, upon which there lay a little note, penned in thick black letters. "The keys are on the table, Miura-dono. I had them changed last night. You are the only one with access to this space now. I had your materials delivered as well. If you should need any more, please be sure to ask. Signed, Takeshi."

Gengyo carefully laid the note back down on the table with a smile. When he knew to look for them, it was not long before he found the stubby iron keys that Takeshi had mentioned. They looked large enough to keep a castle gate closed, never mind his little room in the basement.

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