
Matsudaira's Efforts

//Set before the battle in Matsudaira's tent. Didn't upload for some reason.

"Miura?" Sensing something was off within the room, Matsudaira's eyes flickered upwards, seeing his master.

"Looks like you've abandoned the idea of sleeping. Well, what has your night's thought come up with it? What hope do we have?" He dragged a stool from one corner of the tent and set it next to the table, reviewing the map and the many pieces that sat upon it.

"I… It's not as good as I hoped it would be." He muttered, defeat in his voice. The other's had begun to gather around as well, wrinkling their eyebrows, trying to decipher the formations.


"Well, in Shingen's position, wouldn't one normally go for an offensive formation like the Ganko to make full use of their numerical advantage?"

"It would be the obvious thing to do."

Next chapter