

They worked through the night, Morojo and Takeshi, as they were not needed in battle the following day, and would be able to get their rest then. They completed their tasks admirably, and by the time the light of dawn started to flicker down, their eastern wall was complete with a new, far more powerful weapon, that turned as easily as if it were made out of air.

And that eastern wall had been put back together, in a rather jigsaw-like fashion, with wood replacing the gaps where stone had once been, and extra logs that were utilised to scaffold, and ensure that the heavy wall would not come tumbling down, even if every single one of its bricks were pulled out.

"You've done a splendid job Takeshi." Gengyo pronounced, tapping the solid metal of the barrel with his hand. "We'll be able to go cause quite the amount of havoc with this… But for now, you had better go and get some sleep. Make sure Morojo comes with you."

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