

"The men are pretty fired up lad." Jikouji commented, seeing them march so vigorously.

"So they should be – though that was just a minor dispatchment. By the days end, we will arrive in Honkaido, and we'll begin making preparations for the larger threat that is bound to come."

"How large are we talking?" Jikouji asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Large enough. He could send his whole army at us. Perhaps he'll have sixteen thousand men by now. But I doubt he'll do that. No doubt he's already making plans for a second campaign."

"Second campaign… It's still so laughable that he actually lost against the tiny Oda force."

"Agreed. He's not the most talented strategist."

"But you shouldn't estimate him still, Tadakata. He has a lot of men." Akiko chided him from the other side.

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