
The Cannon

"Ha… To think he actually managed to do it." Morohira breathed in admiration. They had looked down on the little smith, and even as they watched over his progress, they still could not believe that he'd managed to carry out the full task.

A reserved smile sat on the smith's face as he accepted their indirect praise, mightily pleased with the end result. They stood now, on the lower deck, as they viewed it. The whole crew was present, and Jikouji had a reassured look on his face, as though he had expected as much all along.

It was almost exactly as they had planned it. A cannon that sat on two layers of track. The first of which was circular, and allowed it to rotate around and change angle given a push by the crew. The second – which sat on top of the first – was a straight piece of track, and gave the cannon enough room to recoil. As it was now, it sat in the loading position.

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