
A First Impression

The two left together early the next morning, after meeting up with Gengyo beforehand to confirm their departure. Isabella was feeling confident and contended, due to her night spent indoors, and her opportunity to bathe. She dressed in a clean kimono, and her hair was tied tidily behind her head. She had not looked this good in a long time, she felt.

"All set then?"

The lad asked, seeing that the two of them were mounted and ready to leave.

"Aye! No worries on that front, I'm sorted. Y'know, your mother has been getting about a lot more lately. You could go for a walk with her if you fancy."

Gengyo smiled at his father's concern for his wife. How people could be so misjudged. The man dearly cared for his beautiful wife, though he often seemed simple and detached.

"I'll definitely visit her, worry not father."

He then alerted his tone slightly, to speak to the two of them not as family, but as their leader.

Next chapter