

Though he was largely opposed to it at first, with the others here, things felt more relaxed, and the stress he'd felt at their lack of progress was largely dissipated, as they shared idle conversation, cooking food on a campfire.

Rin had insisted on exploring the ship. It was her first experience being on top of water, and rather than the ship itself, she was more interested in peering over the side, catching glimpses of the dark waves that lapped it.

She did not waste the opportunity, and was soon playing within the sea as it gently lapped the beach. She forced Akiko along with her – much to the older girl's objection, who felt self-conscious, not wishing to appear childish – and squeals of delight filled their ears.

"They really do get along well."

Gengyo commented, as he saw them attacking the waves together, struggling to remain dry.

"Of course they do. They've been friends for a while now."

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