

Andrea snuggled comfortably in Lu Fang's chest after finishing the song. She felt so proud of her man that she could not resist but show her affection towards him.

The man leaned closer and whispered, "Babe, am I better than General Lei?"

She could not help but chuckle and hissed back, "I can't believe you did this just prove your better! Now, you've exposed your awesomeness and I have to share it to others."

She let go of the hold and gave him a frown suggesting she was apprehensive of other women gazing at him fondly.

"I just wanted the Xias to know why you chose to be with me rather than the General they admire, " he said while trying to keep his voice down considering that Lie Dong sat two chairs from where they stood.

"Okay, enough you two!" Li Wen came up to them and complained. "You both are making the single men and woman in this room feel bad."

"Oh, boy these two."

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