
Dragonite POV

Dragonite POV

I was separating from my master today. I was grateful he still let me go out to do my own thing. Tyranitar started bothering me about giving him a lift, I didn't mind, but he was way too heavy he eventually convinced me to use it as a strengthening training.  

I ended up carrying him to a different region with few breaks here and there, but it was a long, painful journey, by the time we got to where his destination was I knew I had gotten stronger in my arms and my wings due to having them work extra to carry this big guy around. 

He asked me to stay and train with him, but I had other plans. I wanted to visit my hometown and prove to my parents that I wasn't as useless as they thought. I had to travel down to Blackthorn City; I had to go through the ice cave to get there. 

While I was going through, I got attacked by a bunch of Delibirds. They thought I was easy pickings due to not having anyone with me and looking different from the other Dragons. They finally attacked me, but I simply used Flamethrower and blasted them away.

They started to call for their friends. I just rolled my eyes and began to think of ways to get out of here without expanding my energy. They came flooding in like a stampede. I charged up a powerful Hyper Beam and unleashed it at the ceiling, and it came crashing down on them as I fled the scene. 

They were pretty mad that I had ruined their home and had to move; they will never forget the person that destroyed their home and made a promise to get stronger and get revenge. I didn't care. They started this fight, and all I did was end it. 

I made my way into the city, I tried to sense my mother and father, but I noticed that my mother was the only one that was here. I went up to go and greet her and challenge her for a match. When I got there she was lazing about on top of the roof of the gym, she had noticed me a while ago but ignored me. 

When I finally approached her, and she saw me and noticed that I had evolved, she was stunned I had grown so fast in such a short amount of time. I went up to her and asked her for a battle; she got up and told me to do my best. I started by using a Dragon Breath on her, but she used Dragon Claw to nullify it quickly. 

The dragon breath had blocked her view, so she didn't see me sneak up behind her as I slashed at her back with a Dragon Claw attack, but due to her high level, it didn't do much damage to her as she used her tail to stab me right in the stomach. I was surprised by how strong her tail was. That attack alone had almost rendered me unconscious. 

I shook the pain away and charged up a Hyper Beam and unleashed it. She simply sidestepped my attack and used Quick Attack to knock me out quickly. I woke up minutes later with a slight headache, but I saw that my mother was merely just laying there watching me somehow. I could tell that she was happy and I asked her why she was delighted because I had lost the match. 

She told me that simply because I'm stronger than most of the youths in the city, and none of them that were born around the time that I was born to have evolved yet, which surprised me. They were all still mostly Dratini's and Dragonaires, but I was the first among them to be a Dragonite. 

She told me that it would take some time for my father to accept me so I shouldn't be discouraged and keep working hard, that's when I asked if she could train me until I have to go back in two months. She agreed to it and was telling me that it was going to be a hard training session but if I'm able to complete it within a month and a half, I should be able to make my father notice me just a little bit. 

This surprised me, and I asked, "what does he expect a legendary Pokemon "this caused my mother to laugh, and she told me that my father is the Pokemon of a champion, so they usually expect great things from their offspring. I nodded my head in understanding, and we went to go rest up to get ready for the training the next day. 

That night my mother's trainer had noticed me and was surprised to see me, she wondered if she could catch me since, after all, I was a Dragonite and to her disappointment when she threw the Pokeball at me it rejected it right away. She was surprised to know that I belong to a trainer already. 

Mother made signs that she was going to train with me, which her trainer understood right away and agreed to it. After resting for the night and waking up in the morning, Clair fixed us some breakfast, which was specially made for dragon types it was very nutritious and delicious. 

I enjoyed it very much and wished Master could make such foods. I decided that I want to get the ingredients for Master. Mother had us fly into a cave that was located behind her gym, I had a special feeling once I got inside it made me feel good, and the energy around there seems to be coming towards me. 

I started to close my eyes and feel out the energy, and as I was absorbing some of the energy, I began to feel pain, and I stopped. My mother came behind me and told me to stop absorbing this energy and meditate so the dragon energy would be more natural to incorporate later, it would help with my training. 

I sat down and started to meditate, after a few hours, my mother told me to start absorbing the energy, and it was much easier this time after I got familiar with it. She told me that I'd be doing this for a few days until I'm used to it completely.

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