
Heated Battle

The next day Liam went to pick up his Pokemons to do some training and officially meet Dratini. Today Liam went to the Diglett cave to do some exercise. He finally let out Dratini and was shocked after he got a good look at him and noticed his silver-colored body. He was happy he got a Shiny Dratini and immediately went up to him and greeted him, introducing himself and shadow. 

He also let out Arbok and Ditto to train with them. Arbok was sparring with Dratini while Shadow and Ditto were in a heated battle. Ditto used to transform and transformed into a Lugia. Still, it wasn't like the shadow a dark Lugia, but a normal blue Lugia that surprised Liam, and he remembered shadow was a gift from God, maybe that's why he couldn't copy his genetics 100%.

They started the battle with both of them using a flamethrower on each other, becoming a vast explosion that interrupted Arbok and dratini's action causing them to stop and watch. After that, they both unleashed Thunderbolts and then a water pulse. They kept canceling each other's moves out, and since ditto was a higher level, he was able to keep up with shadow, but as soon as Shadow used Shadow movements to disappear into the ground, ditto was lost. 

He couldn't use Shadow movement, so shadow snuck under Ditto and unleashed a powerful Shadow Ball on his stomach, causing him to be blasted upward as soon as he was up in the air, ditto used gust and blasted the Shadow Ball right back at Shadow which in turn ran Shadow back into the ground.

Shadow was struggling with his own Shadow Ball that he had launched, and as he was struggling, he, all of a sudden, unleashed a hyper beam knocking the Shadow Ball out of the way and headed straight into ditto causing him some damage. Liam was excited he had learned a hyper beam even if it was by accident. Ditto also launched a hyper beam after using his transformability to copy Shadow which Shadow quickly dodged using the shadow movement 

Then unleashed a powerful gust attack which upgraded to a twister attack. When Ditto saw his attack get more powerful, he didn't panic. He used a flamethrower to push the attack back, causing it to turn into a flaming tornado in which Shadow used a water pulse to push it back to Ditto, and then Ditto also used the water pulse. All this back and forth was starting to get annoying, so Shadow wanted to end things quickly. 

He used flamethrower on the tornado, and it exploded, making the place Misty and cloudy. Ditto could not see anything after that, but Shadow could since he had the dark and ghost elements. Shadow blended in and started using the quick attack to attack Ditto, causing Ditto to land on the ground a little bit weaker than before. Shadow then used water pulse blasting all the mist away, trying to end things quickly, but Ditto held his ground and eventually aimed his water pulse at him too. 

The water attacks met, but they couldn't best each other, so they continued to blast at each other until Shadow had reached his limit, but he didn't want to give up. Hence, he got strength from an unknown place, and his water pulse turned into a hydro pump, which blasted Dittos water pulse and himself into a wall making him faint. Shadow was exhausted, taking heavy breaths. 

Liam quickly went up to him and said: "good job buddy that was a great battle I enjoyed it, and I see you leveled up again after that battle, it's good to push yourself to the limit." Liam returned Ditto and also told him a good job. Then Shadow had also left into Liam's shadow, making its way towards the shadow realm to relax and gather energy.

The battle motivated Dratini and Arbok to get stronger. Arbok immediately launched a crunch attack, and Dratini dodged it just by a hair's breadth and countered by using thunder Wave, which hit Arbok paralyzing him. After that Dratini started to heat up using the move dragon rage he's launched himself to use a slam on the paralyzed Arbok since he couldn't move Arbok was knocked into the ground struggling to get up.

Dratini finished him off using a powerful dragon tail, making him faint. Liam said a good job, but in his head, he was kind of disappointed that arbok didn't get to showcase himself too much, but dratini, on the other hand, was very smart and took advantage of his moves and went straight for the kill instead dicking around. Liam was starting to like this Dratini and was glad that it was his first Pokemon that he caught in the wild.

They went back to the Pokemon center in Vermillion City to rest. He handed his pokeballs over to Nurse Joy and then headed to the bar to get some food.

What do you guys think should hatch out of the new Pokemon egg from professor elm in Johto?

MrEcreators' thoughts
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