

As our hero Liam makes his way from Bill's house back to Cerulean City, there's a man in a ninja get up suit following close behind, but this action is noticed by Shadow right away, so he contacts Liam letting him know they are getting tailed by someone. Liam stops and faces back and says, "please come out if it's a battle you want. I can give it to you, but following me is not very convenient for you or me if you think about it". 

The guy comes out dressed in all black; it's a little dark outside, so he looked like a shadow that appeared out of nowhere. He laughs and says " will you join team rocket I don't like to talk much so it's a yes or no question and if it's no then you and you're Pokemon can die an unhappy death" as he finishes he took out a Pokeball and lets it go hitting the ground, and a Ninjask comes out moving fast from left to right.

Liam doesn't say anything and lets Arbok out to face Ninjask as he gives commands to Shadow to sneak behind this Ninja guy. " So you have made up your mind that's good. I don't like to talk much, so let's start this life or death battle" after saying that, he holds his body as if he's excited to find a new pray. Liam gets chills and quickly commands Arbok to use acid on Ninjask. 

The Ninja also gives a command after he saw the attack approach Ninjask and Ninjask splits into five, causing the acid to go through one of them. Liam than orders a Glare attack causing Arboks eyes to glow red and his whole being seemed to become a giant in Ninjask eyes so using that chance Arbok sends a big fire fang towards all the Double Team ninjask destroying all the illusions except for the real one which was laying on the floor in pain. 

The ninja gets mad and starts to get dangerous sending multiple commands, " Ninjask gets your sorry a$$ up and use Agility, then use Sand Attack follow it up as he's blinded by the sand to use Absorb to get back in shape." Everything happened so fast Liam didn't have time to react, so before Liam could tell Arbok to dodge, he was getting drained of his health in the middle of a Sand Attack. 

Ninjask came out of the Sand Attack with no more burn marks looking like he was never hurt, and Arbok came out looking tired. Liam than moved on to his next attack because he knows Arbok can't beat this level 45 Ninjask. "Shadow quickly use Thunderbolt on this ninja so he won't give any more commands to Ninjask." The Thunderbolt came, and ninjask quickly appeared in front of his attack and used Slash to cut the thunderbolt in half missing the Ninja completely. 

Liam realizes that he can't win this battle, Ninjask merely is too firm, so he returns Arbok and runs towards the river on the side to escape. He jumps in, surprising the Ninja. The Ninja smirked and thinks "great at least I got a new rare Pokemon and it's just my type, one with the shadow, with this Pokemon I will be able to defeat Master Koga and get my revenge from when he kicked me out of the dojo," but destroying his momentary happiness he spots Shadow slowly disappearing into the water and quickly ask Ninjask to capture him. Still, Shadow used Shadow Movement causing Ninjask to go right through him and Shadow diving into the water. 

The Ninja got so mad and vowed to catch that Pokemon no matter what, as he has love signs in his eyes after seeing Shadow escape like a ninja. " I Kong will catch that rare Pokemon, but I have to let them escape for now because if I cause trouble in the city, the gym leaders Pokemon are far stronger than mine so I'll get caught and turned over to the league, and that's something I don't want so I will go to the mountains for more training so I can be strong enough to tame that Pokemon.'' 

While Kong was talking all that nonsense, Liam was drowning in the river trying to keep alive until Shadow came to pull him out and take him to the Pokemon center. The next day Liam finally woke up with a headache and Shadow noticed, so he used something like Absorb to absorb the pain away from him surprising Liam. " hey where did you learn how to do that" and shadow tells him his teacher taught him that causing Liam to ask "what's this teacher's name and I want to speak to him." 

Shadow starts to sweat and tells him that he's not strong enough to take him to the Shadow Realm yet and that his master is trapped there. Liam starts to think this teacher of his must be a Legendary Pokemon but then shakes the thought out of his head and thanks Shadow for saving his life. Nurse Joy knocks on his door, and he permits to come in. 

She comes in, red in the face which surprises Liam and when he looks at his body noticed he has no shirt on. There's a massive tent in front of his covers, and he quickly tries to hide it. Still, Nurse Joy quickly comes by his side and tells him she's already seen it and that it's been a while since she's had some and that his little brother didn't reject her and after hearing all that Liam is shocked and ask her what did she do after taking off his clothes. 

Nurse Joy said, "sorry I accidentally touched it when taking off your pants because you came in wet so we didn't want you to get sick so when I accidentally touched it, it reacted and went full hard mode for me, so I saw you were still knocked out, so I helped myself by getting a little taste." This sentence caused Liam's brain to buzz, and his already hardwood got bigger and harder. 

Nurse Joy notices and gets up to lock the door, causing Liam to gulp hard. She started removing her clothes, but Liam finally noticed that she didn't have the natural body of Nurse Joy's from his travels. This woman was way thicker, and the look she gave Liam while eyeing his well-toned body surprised Liam. Liam quickly asked, " who are you, and what are you doing here." " My name is Sandra; I'll tell you who I am after I have some fun with you," after saying that sentence, Sandra was already by his side and unleashes her D cup, causing Liam to blank out and blood starting to leak from his nose. 

She grabs his pole and starts to jerk it off, Liam tries to move but noticed he couldn't causing Sandra to chuckle and tell him that he's been drugged, so there's no point in struggling. Shadow was about to use a Shadow Ball on her, but Liam quickly stopped him and told him to stand down until she wants to harm him. Liam was enjoying this in his sick twisted ways. 

In his previous life, he never experienced this, so he wasn't one turn down a horny nurse. Sandra takes the covers off and starts licking and sucking his pole, causing him to unload in her mouth. She licks the juice spilling from the side of her mouth and noticed it was still hard, so she tells him it's time for the main course of this meal, causing Liam to just smile like a nerd who just discovered porn. Sandra quickly takes the rest of her clothes off and jumps on the bed, positioning herself right on top of Liam's pole. 

Liam thinks in his head, "finally, I'm losing my virginity, and with a sexy nurse, this is going to be great." Sandra lets a line of spit drop down on the pole, causing a little wetness and then lowering herself to finally unite with Liam, causing him to shake at the feeling. He was feeling all kinds of emotions as Sandra slowly rocks up and down. She tried to stay quiet, but hums would escape her mouth from time to time. 

Liam's head starts to buzz, and then a feeling of light-headed and emptiness erupt at the same time as he released his whole being into her body. After finishing, Liam passes out, causing Sandra to smirk and take out a knife from her clothes after she hopped off. " You got my little sister Vivian caught and imprisoned at the league. It took me a lot of resources to get info on you. I was hoping that idiot ninja would finish the job, but he was too much of an idiot so now I'm forced to finish you off. Still, I didn't expect you to be so fine even the boss is not as big as you, so I had to give it go since it's been a while since I've been called to see the boss man, but now it's time for you to die at least you won't die a virgin". 

Sandra was getting ready to stab Liam in the heart, but then Shadow used Shadow Ball on her causing her to crash into the wall and pass out. Shadow then used Thundershock to wake up Liam telling him that she was from Team Rocket. Liam tells Shadow to use absorb on him, sucking the drugs she put in him to make him move again. 

He took her Pokeball and kept it on him and ties her up and calls the police for her, but, of course, he dressed her up before doing all that and quickly dressed himself up too. Officer jenny shows up and takes her away to get questioned on what she was doing there even after receiving the report from Liam saying that she was a member of Team Rocket. 

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