
Chapter 9 Kami's Lookout

Yuudai made it back to Korin Tower in due time. Once he was there he said hi to Upa and Bora and climbed the tower again.

"Hi Master Korin." Yuudai said once he saw Korin. "Hi Yuudai. You're here to continue your training?" Korin asked. "Ya as well could you give me a black nimbus so it's easier to get around?" Yuudai asked.

"Sure here you go." Korin said as a black nimbus came flying in. "So do we begin?" Korin asked. "Yes." Yuudai replied as he put on his 90kg shell.

After 1 week Yuudai succeeded. "Master Korin my training with you is finally completed. Thank you for your tutelage these past months." Yuudai said as he bowed. "I'll be making my way to Kami now." Yuudai continued.

"WAIT! How did you know about Kami?" Korin asked. "I once heard a tale about the guardian of Earth and heard his name was Kami. Since this is possibly the highest tower in the world and there's a hole on the top for the power pole to extend I assumed Kami was on top." Yuudai explained.

It seemed to make sense but Korin could see that there were a few holes but couldn't be bothered as he took Yuudai to the top of Korin tower. "You'll need this bell to meet with Kami so take it." Korin said as he gave Yuudai a small golden bell.

"Now put the power pole there and will it to extend." Korin continued. "Okay thanks Korin. I'll be on my way then." Yuudai said as the power pole extended and he flew into the sky.

He flew into the clouds the sky was calm and blue. Till suddenly dark clouds appeared and Yuudai was struck by lightning again and again. 'Damn that hurt.' Yuudai thought as he continued going up.

Soon he could see The Lookout. The power pole inserted into the slot at the bottom of The Lookout which was identical to the one on top of Korin Tower.

Attached to it there was a white ladder that led to the top of The Lookout. Yuudai proceeded to climb onto the ladder and make his way to the top of The Lookout.

"Greetings Mr Popo." Yuudai said as he saw a man with skin as black as night sharp teeth and a white turban with a blue gem in the middle. "Hello Yuudai." Mr Popo said. "Have you come to see the guardian?" He asked.

"No I have come to train against you and to acquire weighted clothing." Yuudai said honestly. "Why should we help you though?" Mr Popo asked. "Because if you don't help me Goku may not be enough to save Earth again and again. Eventually he'll fail and everyone will die. Do you really want to gamble and not have a contengency?" Yuudai asked.

Hearing this Mr Popo was shocked and Kami soon came out saying "What do you mean!?" "What I mean is that after about 12 years it won't just be Piccolo anymore. At that points you'll have to worry about people who can destroy Piccolo by just looking at him." Yuudai said calmly.

He had already resolved himself to what he'd have to face once Z started. So he wanted to get ahead of the competition. "Fine then let's say all you're saying is true then how can we trust you?" Kami asked. "Gramps is my only family in a sense and he'll make me protect Earth no matter what. I am sure you know about him. His master Mutaito even sacrificed himself to seal him and Gramps would do the same." Yuudai said while gazing at Kami.

"As well really and truly who do we have to blame for Picollo?" Yuudai said as he looked at Kami. Kami felt guilty now. 'I don't know how he got the Earth's guardian. Pulling out Piccolo caused such pain and destruction. That's the most selfish thing one could do even if Kami thought he was doing the right thing.' Yuudai thought as he looked at Kami.

"We'll train you then. You said you wanted weighted clothes? Then here 120kg weighted clothes." Kami said as he pointed his staff at Yuudai. Soon Yuudai had a blue undershirt 2 blue sweat bands on his wrists and 2 blue boots.

"Thank you but I won't be using them right now. As well don't you need to see the bell for confirmation?" Yuudai said as he waved the bell and tied it to his shirt.

"Yes indeed." Mr Popo said. "So would you like to spar with me?" He continued to ask. "No thank you. First I need to clear my mind of all thoughts. Then I need to be as tranquil as the sky while as quick as lightning. Then using the bell I shall eliminate all useless movements. Finally then I will fight you." Yuudai said as he began his training routine.

Well I know I am following plot but without Goku but soon the plot shall move and change and twist and turn.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts
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