
Chapter 16 Bugs

"Get your head out of the gutter. You shall now be transported to the 2nd test." 02 said as I was gone in a flash. Soon I reappeared in another field which was identical to the last. "So what now?" I asked but I got no reply.

A few minutes later 5 creatures appeared in a flash of light. They were blue in colour with massive wings and 2 green pincers and 6 legs. They were bugs but human sized ones. 'Man I am going to throw up just looking at them.' I thought in disgust as I tried to look away.

"This is the 2nd test. I wish you well." 02 said as the bugs dark black eyes locked onto me. Sounds consecutively rang out as they opened up their pincers. "PUH!" "PUH!" "PUH!" "PUH!" "PUH!" They shouted in unison as 5 balls of an acidic like substance shot towards me.

'Well f*ck.' I thought as I span Purifier in front of me to deflect the projectiles. 'I was too careless last time and apart from that I don't really know how to use this effectively yet.' I thought as the projectiles hit Purifier and immediately nullified them.

"That's nifty." I said as I slowed down Purifier and pulled back. Seeing me charge at them the bugs immediately shot another round of projectiles as they flew away. Since Purifier was behind me and I wouldn't be able to defend in time I ducked to the ground as the projectiles passed by me.

The ground where they hit started to turn black and it began to corrode. 'Well damn.' I thought as I quickly jumped up. The bugs had just barely taken off so they were still considerably low to the ground.

After reaching the height of my jumped I was above them as I said "I have the high ground!" With this I thrusted Purifier towards them. "PUU!" the wind quaked as Purifier shot through the air and slammed into 1 of the bugs.

Sadly the other 4 had dodged in time while the other bug had been stuck between them leaving it no choice but to accept it's fate. Seeing this the 4 remaining bugs seperated and went in 4 different directions as they shot their acid at me.

I was still in the air leaving me no where to dodge but I still had one option as I pulled Purifier with all my might towards me. As I spun Purifier generating more and more momentum I released some of the chain from my hand.

"BOOM!" The ground shot everywhere as Purifier impacted the ground. With this I was shot further into the sky as the acid bullets just missed me. I flew into the sky but soon I realized something. "HOW AM I GOING TO GET DOWN!" I shouted as I began to fall.

THE END! (joke)

As I began to fall again 4 more acid bullets were shot at me. This time though they couldn't calculate my falling speed well enough as I zoomed past the acid. "Well if I am going down. I am taking you all with me." I said as I swung Purifier towards them.

Sadly this time they were too far away as it missed and slammed into the ground again plowing through the dirt as chunks of soil flew at one of the bugs. This action although accidental had slowed down my fall considerably.

I was still falling too fast though and in a desperate attempt I pulled Purifier towards me and in the remaining milisecond I grabbed it by the end of the morningstar as I thrusted it into the ground.

"BOOM!!" A crater was formed as I slammed into the ground with one of Purifier's spikes lodged into the ground. "Whew!" I sighed in relief as I fell backwards onto my butt. "Damn I am lucky." I muttered as I quickly pulled Purifier out of the ground and stood up as I looked at the bugs.

Funnily enough due to the dirt which had scattered one of bugs had been hit in the eyes and now it was shooting acid bullets everywhere. One of them had even hit another bug as it lost it's ability to fly and crashed into the ground.

Seeing this I quickly ran towards the grounded bug. Sadly the bugs already knew I was still alive as they saw my movement ,apart from the blinded one, so they shot acid bullets trying to intercept me but they were too late as I arrived next to the bug swiftly and killed it with Purifier.

The blinded bug was still shooting wildly while the other 2 bugs were becoming more and more cautious. As I looked towards the 2 bugs they shot acid bullets but not at me this time but at their blinded comrade.

Immediately it fell to the ground as I ran at it and killed it with Purifier. The remaining bugs now began to shoot a flurry of acid bullets but I spun Purifier in front of me to block them all. Seeing this slowly the bugs began to retreat but I didn't give them time for that.

As soon as they stopped shooting I shot towards them and jumped into the air again. These 2 were still more or less spread out but I couldn't care less as I slammed Purifier into one of them again. The remaining bug's response was the same as before as it shot an acid bullet towards me but this time I defended it with Purifier while simultaneously crashing Purifier into it killing it.

"Man you guys were more disgusting than goblins." I said as I landed on the ground.

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