
Chapter 2 Transmigration

"WOAH!" I said with a jolt as I woke up and looked at my surroundings. "Where am I?" I asked as I looked around the room. 'Dont tell me I've been transmigrated.' I thought as I continued inspecting the room.

The walls were blue and I was on a bed with blue sheets and a blue pillow. There was a window on the left and outside I could see a tree. To the right of the room there was a chest of drawers and on the left there was a desk with a computer on it.

As I got out of the sheets I saw that I was in blue pajamas. I put on the slippers on the side of the bed and opened the wooden door as I looked outside of it. There was just a hall way, nothing special.

I was about to walk outside when I felt a sudden pull in my mind. "You are Cyril Reeds!" a voice said as images consecutively popped up in my mind. "This is my only advice to you, be careful." the voice continued as I was pulled back into reality.

'So I am Cyril Reeds?' I thought as I went down stairs. "Oh you finally woke up?" a lady said as I nodded and said "Yes mum." and sat down to eat. We were eating bacon and eggs as she asked "So when are you going out with Jack and Drake?"

"We're going to meet at the park at 11." I said as I continued munching down on my breakfast when my mum slapped me and said "It's already 10:50."

When I heard that I hurried up my eating speed and rushed up to my room. Once I was there I wore a red t-shirt with black trousers as I rushed back down and said bye to my mother. For the record my mum was a blonde woman of about 28 years with blue eyes.

As I ran out of the house I rushed towards the park and made it there just on time. "You finally showed up on time for once slow poke." a red haired red eyes boy said as he patted me on the back. This was Drake one of my 2 best friends and I or the previous Cyril was notorious for being late.

"Ya remember the time that we were going to watch a movie and he was an hour late so we missed the entire film and then...." A brown haired green eyed boy with black rimmed glasses said in a matter of factly tone. This was Jack my other best friend who's very long winded.

"By the way you heard about Stephanie and George?" Drake asked as we started walking towards the arcade. "Ya they're really annoying and mean, like who does that?" Jack said as the arcade came into view.

"What did they do?" I asked as we continued walking towards the arcade. "Oh you didn't know?" Jack replied with as we entered the arcade. "Nope." I said as Jack continued "Basically they dumped a bunch of pig's blood and pig's fat onto Jeremy. Then they made fun of him for ages and got the rest of the people with them to make fun of Jeremy. Obviously they got away with it though."

"Seriously? What *sses they are." I said as the conversation ended and we began to use the arcade games.

Although the arcade games were similar to those on the previous Earth they still differed. Like Mario wasn't a plumber but a hunter and Donkey Kong turned into Tiger King.

There was a game that remained the same though. Laser Tag. Eventually Drake, Jack and I decided to play it. We were against some kids a bit older than us.

As we headed in I said "Guys we stick together." "Okay!" Jack said while Drake said "AI AI CAP'N!" while laughing a bit.

"Stop fooling around." I said as I wacked him on the head. "Ow calm down." Drake said as he rubbed his head. "Drake you should know better than to shout you'll give away our position. Did you never read the laser tag handbook? It states...." Jack said as he went on for ages right up and till it began.

We battled the others with all our might but at the end the result was..... "A DRAW!?!" Drake said a bit annoyed as he scowled at the screen displaying the points.

"Well what ever lets head home now it's pretty late." I said as we said good bye and went our seperate ways. 'What interesting friends I have.' I thought as I walked home.

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