
Werewolf Training

"So, Ausu, who's gonna train werewolf girl?" Haruna asked in a teasing voice.

"URGH! My name's MERRIBELLE!" I practically screamed at her grudgingly, longing to jump on her, and wrestle her to the ground, even though she is at least a foot taller than me.

She has been calling me 'Werewolf Girl' all morning, and I have just about had enough.

And the worst part is that Haruna KNOWS that it's getting on my nerves so she just simply does it


Seriously, what did I ever do to her?

Oh WHATEVER!!!" Haruna announced with a shrug of her shoulders.

Why does she have to make everything she does so OBVIOUS 😡?

"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!" I think I might burst if this continues any longer. At least then Haruna would be happy... I mean seriously, WHAT IS HER PROBLEM?!!?

"Girls, girls. Settle down, " Ausu cut into my thoughts, though I think he was talking more to me than Haruna. "Merribelle, Haruna was just teasing," Of course you side with Haruna I thought grudgingly. It's all about her isn't it. "We shouldn't fight already, seeing as we just met."

"I've been here for TWO DAYS! I don't think we just met!" I told him, try not to let my anger out on him. For is that what harouna wants me to do? Well I won't do it. no matter what she says.

"Well you're acting like we're siblings or something!" Haruna mocked.

" DON'T TELL ME HOW TO ACT!" I lashed out at her.

But Haruna ignored me. "Seriously Merribelle, you should be kinder to your host!"

" You are NOT my host!" I told her angrily, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Dude. Chill.Out." Echo show did, glaring at me, and I glared back, hoping that I looked intimidating.

"So who is going to train her anyway, Ausu?" Haruna asked, looking as if she had given up on the idea of 'teasing me until I burst'.

" I will train her." Ausu announced, the color rising in his face.

I felt stunned happiness for a moment, if you can call that a thing...

" Okay! I can't wait to get started!" I told him enthusiastically, and he nodded back, smiling, and still blushing.

He he must have summoned up a lot of courage to say that! I thought, knowing that if I were him, I would never have been able to do that.

I laughed when I saw her runas dumbfounded expression. "But-but... I thought that since Echo was the last to join, HE was supposed to train her? You made that rule up yourself, didn't you?"

" first of all I never said that was a rule. second of all, since I made it up, I get to change it, right? and also, if you already knew who was SUPPOSED to train her, then why did you ask me?" I smiled at Ausu's come back.

Oh! BURN! I thought? Even though it wasn't exactly true.

* * * * * *

Me and Ausu student loan in a clearing in the trees of Dark Forest a little ways from the Werewolf Tribe's camp.

" Okay. For step one you're going to want to turn into a werewolf." Ausu instructed.

I looked at him in surprise for a moment. Is he serious?

" Turn into a... werewolf...?!? But why? I thought it only worked when there's a full moon?"

Ausu side heavily. "You've got a lot to learn."

"Okay, I'm ready!" I announced.

Ausu look surprised, but I wasn't sure if you really was... "You're ready to learn, and turn into a werewolf."

"Turn into a werewolf of course! I am definitely NOT ready to learn!" I tell him, punching and playfully in the arm.

* * * * * * *

"Okay, are you ready?" Ausu asked 5 minutes later after we had had a food fight and... okay fine, the food fight was imaginary, but pretend it happened!

"Yep, i'm ready!" I announced, lowering my eyebrows in the middle, in the hope I looked determined. I mean I feel determined... does that count?

"Let all your anger and hatred flow through you. Let it control you, let it transform you!"

I narrow my eyes and think of all my worries, all my anger, all my regrets.

I feel as if my mind is a storm of emotion, with dark rain clouds all around me, and lightning lighting up the clouds in a grayish haze of light.

Then I feel it: my transformation was beginning. I felt a slight tingling sensation as my eyes turned to slits. Half red half dark.

I had expected it to hurt to turn into a werewolf, but it was actually quite a pleasant feeling, so I suppose it had to be a full moon for it to hurt...

Ears grow on my head and... it went by so fast I didn't even have much time to think. It was as if time was working double speed.

Now that I am fully transformed I feel strong and savage, as if I can do anything. I might have gone and jumped off a cliff if if I sue hadn't broken into my more werewolf like than human thoughts.

"Now control your emotions." He told me, looking relieved and worried at the same time.

that's how I probably would have felt like if I were in human form right now...

I wanted blood, and the air, that smells sweet, and was full of it. I drink in the scent happily, but then heard Ausu's words in the back of my mind. 'now control your emotions'.

I focused, closing my eyes breathing, in and out, in and out.

Then a wave of dizziness over takes me, and everything goes black.

* * * * * * *

All Merribelle's limbs felt stiff and like a Jello, as if something had drained all her energy. She felt exhausted as she slowly opened her eyes and blinked them a few times, but she still couldn't see clearly.

My world looked like a bunch of blobs of color and swirls of light.

"Merribelle! WAKE UP! Merribelle!" Ausu's voice cut through my colorful world. I don't know how, but it seemed to refocus my eyes.

He was standing over me with the worried look on his face. "Merribelle!" He exclaimed in relief.

" Ausu." I let out a breath of relief, slowly getting to my feet, my head spinning, but I managed to get a grip after shaking my head to clear it.

" You did it, Merribelle! Well almost... but you did as well as everyone else. I'm the only one who has done it all the way... successfully..." Ausu told me happily.

"By the way, I was meaning to ask..." I began then paused with uncertainty. "Why do all your tribe members except you have werewolf ears when they're in human form?"

" Because that is the result when you learn to control the werewolf inside you... except not all the way. And since that's true... you have werewolf ears now too..." Ausu explained.

"I do?" I asked Enterprise, feeling the top of my head; and sure enough I felt a pair of large soft ears. I flipped them back and forth, listening.

I could hear the gentle breeze whistling through the trees. The drone of a waterfall that was at least three miles away, and the scuffling of a black bear searching for berries somewhere near the waterfall.

" These ears might come in handy after all." I announced, smiling to myself.

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