
One Lucky Dog

Aaron sighed and leaned his head on the back of the couch. Keeley had sounded so confident in his love for her that day even though he never said it. When exactly did that confidence fade?

He couldn't pinpoint the exact time she stopped believing in him. Even before he had started ignoring her to throw the servants off their scent, they hadn't been as close as they used to be.

It probably started when they moved back to New York to get married and he stopped taking her opinions into consideration. When he didn't have to worry about anybody watching, she controlled nearly all of their activities because he liked seeing her light up as she tried something new.

That sort of thing didn't fly when she was surrounded by ravenous wolves waiting to tear her apart over every little thing. Aaron thought he was helping her by teaching her how to fit into his world but it had only driven a wedge between them.

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