
Watching the show

While unpacking his things Zhihao fall asleep on the floor. When he wakes up the next day he could see outside that is still night. While looking around his new place he found a phone with the note "for you to use in the extreme case -ZW". seeing it his first thought go to look at his social media but when he started it he turns it off in short of time knowing that he could be found by it one again.

He places his phone inside of the box and places it in a drawer. While he looks around he could see a clock that said 6 so he was still an hour before going out. While he knows how much time left before going out he goes to the bathroom to take a shower.

While he enters he could see that his beard grow a lot and now his face been hidden. While looking around he could find things that he hasn't use for a long time. A lot of gels "with soap I could live but while having it time to use for some time" he said to himself while taking his clothes and going inside the shower.

after he could finally use with hot water he doesn't want at first go out but remembering that he need to go job he goes out and looks at the mirror.

He looks much different than yesterday. "Oh, I couldn't know if it's me or nope so its work," he said to himself while going to the kitchen to see id uncle Zhao put some food there. He hasn't looked yesterday. His only thoughts go to one again see faces of people that he wants to destroy.

When he comes there he could see that the fridge is full of made dishes. While looking at them he takes one and without looking what is inside he starts eating. While he finishes he goes to look at his new place. While going around he knows that it's much better than previous but still he couldn't sleep on that bed. It's been too soft for him.

While he chooses some new clothes and new ID he wanted to go out but before he takes a pill of medicine and hides some inside of his pocket.

His walk to one of big three like he calls tallest buildings takes him thirty minutes. When he comes close his eyes go to Tian building where Maybach stop and three people come from it. First, it's been his father Tian Xiaogang second stepmom Gu Mei and lasts his stepbrother that take his place, Tian Yi.

when he looks at them he could see that Yi turn around and looks around. when they look meet Zhihao give him deadly look that he probably hasn't seen a cross of the street and go inside of Lou building. while being there he goes to the receptionist while saying "hello I'm new liftman"

"oh hello please gives me your ID"

"here" Zhao answer while trying to smile.

while receptionist scans it. she looks at Zhao while saying "please wait here a moment"

"ok" he answers while standing close. after some time security come while saying "ok you knew here so come with me"

hearing him Zhihao only look around and follow him.


at tian Yi office

"why there isn't anything from them" Yi starts screaming at his PA.

"boss it happened Linai escapes from there and now she is all good. Young masters of Li and Mo have informed me that your plan hasn't work fully"

"that Li moron he probably starts talking about it and she could hear him. I give him this idea and now all go for nothing." Yi said while hitting the table

"child calms down," Gu Mei said while coming inside of Yi office. "Your father doesn't know about it and I told you one more time don't talk about it here and not meet with them for some time."

"Ok mom any news about this son of a whore"

"Nothing it's been six years of his escaping and to today we can't find him"

"fuck those old folks needed to write in their last will that we could inheritance they shares only when we will be the biggest company or we will have the body of him after ten different DNA tests called from their clinic that we don't know."

"Calm down son we need to make Lou go down maybe some attack on them"

"Yes mother that will be good" Yi said to her and start evil laugh

"I will deal with it so don't worry we have still some time before it I need to inform some people and send them money," Mei said while taking her phone and texting to someone.

After a few minutes, she said "done I hope it will work another way we need to think about shaming them"

"yes I know but let's watch and see what will happen," Yi said to his mother and they start watching the show that should soon happen

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