Preposition: in, on, at, under, below, without, to
Take Note:
(1) Understand how to use preposition
(2) Identify common preposition
1. Put the pencil in the box.
Meaning: Ilagay ang lapis sa kahon.
2. Put the pencil on the box.
Meaning: Ipatong ang lapis sa kahon.
A preposition is a word that slows the relationship between the other words in a sentence.
*** The knight (in) shining armour was (on) his horse, going to the castle from the woods.
Preposition of place ===> at, in, beneath, over, under, above, against.
Preposition of time ===> at, in, on, during, within, before, after.
Preposition of manner ===> by, with
Preposition of direction ===> into , onto, towards, to
***The most misused preposition are in, on, and at.
***Visualizing what they emphasis helps you remember which preposition is the most appropriate.
***They are used to establish location in time.
At ===> point part of the day or time of the day
On ===> Surfaces/Streets/ Avenues/ Roads/ Boulevard
--- days of the week; date; holidays
In ===> Months, Years, Seasons, Duration, Time of the Day
--- (enclosed space, enclosed boundaries)
--- evening or morning
The class is currently in Room 1.
My stuff is in my bag.
(ON) ---> If it has aisle, doesn't matter if it moves or can't move
(IN) ---> no aisle, specific only to the space.
If you are working in the ship, use (in).
If you are performing in the concert, use (in).
Prepositions of Direction:
(1) From ===>Origin
(2) To ===> Destination
(3) With ===> Togetherness, Tools With You.
***Incorrect ===> I really need to discuss about preposition.
***Correct ===> I really need to discuss the preposition.