
Scummiest scumbag(1)

That afternoon, in the lab of La Rose Noire's headquarters. 

Alexa let out a sigh of relief when they finally completed the day's training, which had lasted all morning. 

Luckily, despite being a scumbag, Carlos would get serious when he needed to be, so the session was not as agonizing as she had expected. 

"Don't keep your Ipad away yet." He laughed when he saw how fast she was gathering her things to leave. 

She gave him a quizzical look, and he gave a slight wink. "I'm going to give you homework." 

She scrunched her brows. "Homework? Do you think this is elementary school?" 

"I need you to do it, so I know whether the training is actually helping. I would have to explain to Shera if you don't improve within the next few weeks." He justified himself, even though they both knew that he was just trying to buy time for them to meet again. 

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