
Yet another fly

After eating food and drinking the juice, the two were even more unwilling to move their limbs, so they decided to stay a little longer. 

Leo laid down next to her but cleverly kept some distance, so it wouldn't be awkward. Shera was too tired to mind, and they relaxed peacefully, chatting about random topics. 

That was until a young man walked over to them with a camera slung around his neck. "Excuse me?" He started nervously. 

"We can't just stay in peace for a moment without an annoying fly or two ruining our moment, can we?" Leo mumbled in dissatisfaction but looked at the young man anyway. "Do you need anything?" 

"My name is Arnold—I'm a traveler and photographer." He retrieved his business card and gave it to him. When he checked out his details and seemed to verify that he didn't mean any harm, the man continued. "I'm sorry for taking up your time. I love taking photos of every beautiful thing I see…" 

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