
Nightly Introspection!!!

As we continued our walk through the village the sun was beginning to set.

Kagome and I kept walking until we stumbled upon a hill with a view of the entire village. A single tree rested on that hill and on top of one of the tallest branches of the tree sat Inuyasha.

"Look we finally found him. I thought he would be trying to fight a rock or stealing candy from a baby. I never would of guessed that he would be completely relaxing while sitting on a tree branch. I think I know how to get his attention." I said to Kagome as I pointed to a tomato in one of the bags she was holding and she chucked it at him.

The tomato flew through the air until Inuyasha's reflexes kicked in just before the tomato hit him and grabbed it.

He turned around and looked towards Kagome and me with a clearly annoyed look on his hace.

'He kinda reminds me of Kubinashi back when he first became a part of the clan. Although Kubinashi was more of an edge lord and Inuyasha is more in the edgy teen variety. So at least there's that difference.' I thought while looking at Inuyasha.

"That's your share." Kagome said while looking at Inuyasha.

"What's with the food?" He asks.

"Its an offering from the villagers." She says and the she pauses.

"Say, come down and we can eat together." I ask instead of her.

Inuyasha looks at both of us for a few seconds and then he comes down from the tree.

'This kid behaves like a neighborhood cat rather than a dog.' I thought which made me chuckle inside my head.

"What are you plotting bit-" He almost said but then he stops and throws a side glance at me.

"I'm no really plotting anything. It's just that you... you really don't like me, do you?" Kagome asked him without breaking eye contact.

"You make me retch!" He tell her

"Now, listen here you. My name is Kagome. I'm not this Kikyo person you keep thinking about. So, how about being a little bit more friendly? Okay?"

"You idiot! whoever you may be... I'll show no mercy when it comes to getting the shikon jewel!"

"Ah, is that so. But, if you do ever get violent all I have to do is say "sit" and y-" She didn't finish that sentence as Inuyasha's body slams against the ground.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that one... really." She says trying to appease him.

"Get away from me!!!" Was his only response.

As I heard that I realized that the sun had almost completely set.

"Well if you would excuse I'm getting really tired so I'm going to go to sleep. You know what they say "the early bird gets the worm" and all that."

"Ah, okay" Kagome said with a question mark on her head.

Hearing that I head back to the house.

A couple of minutes later and I arrived at my destination. I don't really register much of my surroundings as quickly removed both of my arms from the inside of my kimono revealing my upper body.

'Man, it has really been an really mentally exhausting thirty something hours. I really hadn't had time to completely come to terms with my current situation. I know I'm here currently breathing but just a couple of hours ago I had experienced death... two times. Once, as a human and another time as a half-demon. I really don't understand how people in fanfictions are able to gloss over it like it hadn't happened. I guess I'll take my mind off of it by sorting out my future plans and goals in this planet.' I thought as I lay on my futon while looking at the roof of the house.

'I know for a fact that I can't interfere with Kagome's kidnapping today. That incident with lead to the shikon jewel getting shattered which is what causes the story to happen in the first place. No shikon jewel fragments means no adventure to recover them happening and it would make the whole point of wanting to be here useless.' I thought

Yet that single thought put alot into perspective.

"People really don't realize how much of an advantage having foreknowledge of the plot really is. If you really think about it most series have a certain linchpin moment which sets in motion the entirety of the plot." I murmured to myself inside of the dimly lit room.

'Taking one of the series with the most fanfictions like Naruto for example. If someone arrived at the right time one could not only stop the treatment that Naruto recieved in the village by preventing Danzo from leaking the information tha he was the current nine tails jinchuriki and halt Obito's plan by making sure to destroy the pair of rinnegan that Madara planted on Nagato. The only thing to be concerned about would be the aftermath were the war had not happened. The villages worked together due to the threat that the Eye of the moon plan posed on their existence. That series is one of few nuanced enough for it to make sense to let certain events happen because they are crucial for the greater good. This one isn't really on that list. Yes, they saved the world but all of the major conflicts that happened on Inuyasha are directly or indirectly linked to the shikon jewel.'

I arrived at the conclusion that this journey won't be a fix-em up or at least not in the true sense. I will have to inconvenience a large number of people for the sake of the personal happiness of the main cast and I can live with that... as self centered as it really is. I just have to pick up slack for the kids and make sure that it doesn't bleed out to the common populace.

Now, this is an approach that I can't really take on every word that I visit. As I really can't just ignore the fact that my actions could very well cause genocidal levels of loss of life just for my personal amusement.

Then there's the whole ordeal with Wakana and Otome who is currently in a situation similar yet slightly different than my own. When I go back to the "Nurarihyon no mago" world I don't really know what to do about technically having two wives already. It seems like the universe(and myself) has strapped me into the two timing path without me realizing it.

Thinking about that world... I wonder how similar yokai's here are to me. Inuyasha and I only got into a physical match. Neither he nor I really used any sort of energy based attacks and I wasn't really focused on that either. all I know for sure is that our life spans should of been really similar without the addons currently in my possession. People usually get the lifespan of yokai in my world wrong because they use "Nurarihyon" as a basis for their estimates. But people forget that the old man's lifespan was drastically cut short during his battle with Hagoromo Gitsune where she literally ripped his heart out and eat it. His lifespan was cut down to the point that the elders of the clan estimated that even a half-demon like me would probably live longer than he had.

Although I'm not really concerned with how long I'll be alive though. Frankly speaking true immortality seems like a hassle. Who the hell would want to be constantly conscious for the rest of eternity continuously without rest. It seems good on paper but in reality it sounds more like a curse. Every time I read a cultivation novel I can't stop myself from snorting. Like, yeah buddy let's see how you keep yourself entertained or sane for the rest of eternity. The real threat to immortal cultivators seems more likely to be boredom than anything else. Maybe that's why they all focus on petty plots and trying to kill one another at any chance they get. They are not evil they probably went insane after sitting on their asses meditating for thousands of years cross-legged.

Anyway, enough losing sleep. I have a really long day of acting partly clueless tomorrow. I really don't want to be going at that in a subpar manner and end up looking suspicious.

[A/N: I really didn't want to release this chapter. Yesterday while I was writing I failed to pay proper attention to the charge on my phone and as I was finishing it and it shut down. I don't really know if that was what caused it or if it was something else but the chapter wasn't saved thus wasting about five hours of nonstop work. So I had to rewrite the chapter from memory and didn't really feel like writing up to where I was at. So here it is... about 45% of the actual chapter. Please type an F in the comment section to pay respect to the rest of the chapter that will probably not see the light of day.]

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