
Complicated Fusion.4

" Eric? Eric?" A small soft voice echo in Eric ears. Opening his eyes Eric saw a blonde hair girl infront of him.

" Ahh" He subconsciously yell and he crawl back in his bed. Reaching the top of the bed he blink his eyes as he looked at Gwen.

" Why are you in my room?" Eric asked in shock as he check if he was clothes. Still wearing his clothes from this morning he blush slight before he look at the girl infront of him.

" Well some one wasn't answering there phone and seem to forget about movie plans with his friends." Gwen said as she folded her arms.

" Of course I didn't forget. I'm suppose to leave the house 3 pm" Eric said. Getting out of bed he fix his messy clothes as he glance to his balcony.

" Well it 6" Gwen said with smug smile.

Frowning Eric took his phone from his computer desk and check the time. It seem like he overslept.

" Okay, Okay I over slept. Anyways where is Peter and Ned. Plus I thought you said MJ coming." Eric said, putting his phone his pocket. Grabbing his wallet from his desk he headed to the door.

" Those three are watching TV in your living room with your sister." Gwen said, leaving his room.

Hearing what she said Eric rose a brow and enter the living room. The light was off and he could hear the giggling of two girls from the front sofa. To the left Peter and Ned was sitting together also watching TV.

" A Tv drama. Really?" Eric said. Gwen walk from behind him and stood to his side carrying the same criticism as him.

" Are you guys planning to watch this. I believe it Marathon tonight" Gwen said.

" Yeah why not. I want to see how Maria will hand having her sister getting marry to the man she love." MJ said intrigue by the entirety of the drama.

Gwen rolled her eyes as she look quizzically at Eric. Shrugging his shoulder he whisper to Peter ears before walking back to Gwen.

" Okay I have three babysitter for Emma. You want to stay are go out for the Mega Shark movie?" Eric asked curious.

Giving a smile Gwen said. " Mega Shark movie it is."


Within a secret SHEILD base. Director Nick Fury could be seen sitting around his desk. He was currently looking at several files on the case in Washington DC. He couldn't help but commend Amanda Waller on her idea of the suicide squad. Even though Harley Qinn escape from her cell.

Closing the folder he look back at the several report he been getting recently. In the SHEILD tech department that handle observing space related phenomenon something came on their radar.

Several images were taken of a small spaces between Venus and Mercury where a large grey rift in space could be seen.

Folding his lips inward Fury ponder about this as he recall one of their strongest prisoner words.

' Zod said he was just the front ship. He didn't give a number or time but he said his men were coming. Could this be how they will be coming" Fury thought. Rubbing his chin, a deep frown appear on his face.  Zod men were Kryptonian and he know how to handle Kryptonian but not even SHEILD have that much Kryptonite to handle a army.

After further thoughts he took up a phone and dail.

# Maria. I want you to get Natasha report on what was found in the Antarctic and also I think it time to make contact with Wakanda and Atlantis.

# Yes. I will arrange for a message for contact to reach both city while I will get Natasha report. Do you require me to contact the X- Mansion?

# Nope. I will do that myself. I hope I am not wrong but if so I will talk with Xavier. The bat should be able to help us.

Fury said as he ended the call. Taking a sigh once more he pack up the file on his desk and got up. Putting his phone a way he left his office.


Leaving the movie theater it was already 10pm. The cool summer breeze blew through the city as the two went to the subway station.

" You really can't handle blood Gwen" Eric said with a smile. Remembering everytime a shark brutally rip a human into pieces in the theater. Gwen would shiver but try to hide it.

" What do you know. I can handle blood. I just hate pop up horror. I mean he guy was just chilling on his boat when the shark flew out the water and grab the guy in a second. " Gwen defended her self as she gave a rare pout.

" If you say so" Eric smile as he reach the subway station. Reaching down stair the two were lucky their train was had just take a stop.

Entering the train it wasn't full.

" So summer. We did plan a summer trip to Metropolis City. Are you going to visit your father there?" Gwen asked curious.

" I guess. It wouldn't hurt plus the trip might be better if I get my father to sponsor it" Eric said lightly as he texted  Peter and the other to go home.

" Oh yeah I forgot your dad rich. Anyway. I can wait to go to Metropolis. I really want to see superman memorial statue." Gwen said as she lean back in the train seat.

Taking a look at Gwen daze eyes Eric frown a bit. Recalling that Superman was dead he had someone understanding of which DC world this was. He had seen a recent picture of the big guy and he was sure his face belong to the superman in man of steel movie.

Seeing he was the same actor he also link Bruce Wayne actor in superman vs Batman movie. He at first, believe after those two coincidence that the DC section of the world was following the recent DC live action movies in his previous life.

Sadly some strange thing made this theory flatter. First of all the Flash action within this world was following the same as the one in Arrowverse series. Except with  the minor detail of wally being the same age as him and is already kid flash, with white skin and red hair.

The next thing was that Robin and Batman girl or Dick  and Barbara were the already the same age as him and were working with Bruce already.

As Eric ponder about this the train had reach Gwen stop. Saying bye he watch Gwen walk off the train.

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