
That's My Isekai Story

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One day Sky woke up in a hall made of white marbles and was blessed with presence of goddess of indescribable beauty. Where will this encounter lead his life, find it out in this series of short stories.

Chapter 1Chapter 1: The Goddess of Light and Reincarnation

"Where am I? I haven't seen this place before, have I?"

When I woke, all I could see around me was a place shining so brightly in white that even my couldn't see anything clearly. It took a while for my eyes to adjust according to the room's brightness.

In front of me was a giant hall with wall made of lustrous white marble stones. Decorated with white curtains which had golden embossing. At the end of the hall was a throne. Covered in gold from top to bottom, with seat cushions made of silk as smooth as feather. Red carpet on the floor was also amazingly well made and had an awesome pattern on it. The roof was also made of marbles with painting of night sky, sparkling like sea of stars.

"So wonderful, I wish I could show this place to my family. They will really be happy to see this place."

As soon as those words came out of my mouth, I had a shocking flashback. It came back to me in bits and pieces, but it was clear to me now what had happened.

"You must be kidding me, right? Ha, ha, just a moment ago I was having all those happy thoughts and and…."

I realized that I was already dead before I came here. It took me a while to come in terms with the reality. After clearing my head, it started becoming clear to me the situation I'm in right now.

"So this what afterlife looks like, huh. I had read about it in many novels and manga, but it doesn't resemble their description at all."

When I started looking around the hall, I couldn't see anyone. I was all alone in that large empty hall. Now I was getting anxious as to thinking what is going happen with me here. Is there going appear an Angel in front me, who will take me by the hand and lead me to the stairway to the heaven, or, is there going to appear a demon who will bind with the chains and throw me into pan of boiling hot oil and fry me in it.

As my mind was filled with all those weird thoughts I saw a light shining from behind the throne. From than light appeared a woman, who was so beautiful even words can't describe her.

Long shining silver hairs which extended to her waist, eyes so blue even clear sky can't compare to it, lips so red even the rose looks fainter in front of them, she wore white gown with short sleeves. Her face had kind aura, that gentle smile was indescribable. Her skin was white, it looked pale. She looked while like a beautiful flower which would crumble when touch it.

After looking at the site in front of me I felt relieved, at least I'm not going to Hell. She then started walking towards in demeanor as of person from a royal family, so refined and graceful. I was so mesmerized in her beauty that I didn't even notice that she has already arrived in front of me.

"Welcome to the afterlife Mr. Sky. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the Goddess of Light Sarah. You might be wondering as to why you were brought here, right?"

"No need for honorifics, Sky is fine with me."

"Then you can call me Sarah too. Since, we will be spending quite a lot of time together, this makes things easier. So, have you thought of what I asked to you?"

I was wondering the same thing myself as to why I was brought here. Though I had a vague Idea before but after seeing the Goddess greet me personally It started to make even less sense than before.

"Do you remember anything about your past life or the way you died, Sky?"

I still remembered my past life and the way I died. I started explaining Sarah the details of my past life.

I was born in a middle-class family. My parents were always kind to me and treated me with love. I had to two siblings, which I loved. We were a happy family. After finishing my High school studies, I moved out of house for my further studies in college. Even though I had everything I wanted I always felt empty. I felt as if I don't belong here. I tried many things but, in the end, I still felt empty inside. This world is not for me. I then reduced my contacts with other peoples. I barely talked with anyone. I was somewhat of the loner type. People started ignoring me. So, I became a shut-in. I was afraid of facing the world. In such a lonely environment I discovered that I had a chronical heart disease and I didn't have much time left in this world.

So, I thought before dying I should try to change my way of living. So, I started working a part-time job to earn money to give my farewell presents to my family. I started talking with my classmates and we became friends. But, I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone that I have only a short time left in this world and maybe the Goodbye I'm saying now will be the last.

After the end of exams in April, I went home to spend my remaining 15 days of life with my family. I gave them presents, they all liked it.

Now, only thing left was to show my death as an accident so that they won't know of my disease. Otherwise, they will be curse themselves that I was dying here of disease and didn't even noticed it. So, one on morning walk I jumped in front of a truck and died in accident on the day supposedly my last. Sky dead at the age of 22.

"Hmm, you had quite a life out huh, Sky. So, maybe I should explain why you were brought here. You had a short life but in that time in your life you were always kind to everyone. You helped those in need and always treated everyone well. So, it was unfortunate you had to die of a disease. That's why I brought you here."

"Thanks for explaining things Sarah. But, what is going to happen to me from now on?"

"Simply put, to make up for ending your life shortly and seeing your good personality I decided to reincarnate you in another world as a Hero with great power. Obviously, blessed by goddess's blessing to boost."

"Just like all those Isekai manga's I've read when I was a shut in. Hmm, well it doesn't sound all bad. Can you explain me more about the world you are sending me to?"

"Considering you have read quite a few Isekai manga, you can say it will be like one if those typical fantasy world with 'Magic and Swords'. There will be adventurers and Demon lord, there will be monsters, there will be fairies, elves, demi humans, world divided in kingdoms and their kings and royalties."

"A typical Isekai huh."

"Well, while it is a typical Isekai, your story will not be as described in the stories. I don't think explaining everything to you by myself is going to have any effect. You will understand things as you will grow in this world."

The world is divided in to the five territories. The Demon realm in the south, Great Elven forest to the east, Demi human territory in the west, Human territory in the north and Neutral territory in the center. Each territory was separated by other through a forest of monsters it also served as border for neutral region. As names suggest each territory has its majority of population as its title. In the Neutral territory it was a different story though. Here all the species cohabited without any discrimination of races and it was declared a war free zone by all remaining territories. Later she told me that the place I'm going to be reborn is called the 'Kingdom of Redford' which was in the Human territory. It had a capital city called 'Capital city Crushia'.

"That's quite a world you are sending me to Sarah. So, can you tell me what my role will be here and at least a basic overview of my skills."

"That will be up to you to decide as you spend time in this world, because, this choice is yours to make in the end. I will help you as much as possible through the 'Goddess's Blessing' skill that I will bestow upon you."

"Well, that's more than enough help I could I ask for. Thanks for reincarnating me and giving me a second chance at life. And one more thing, before we part ways I want to ask will we ever meet again, Sarah?"

"If fate permits and if you don't forget me with time, I guess we will meet someday."

"How can I forget you Sarah. To me you are like a friend and I never forget my friends. I will be waiting for that fateful day when we meet again."

"I will wait for that day, too. See you again, Sky. Thanks for considering me as your friend."

With those parting words she started chanting, I couldn't make out what she was saying but my body suddenly glowing and it started fading from my feet to head. Last thing I could see was smiling face of Sarah waving me farewell.

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