
Chapter 13 Some info, some disturbing scenes, a fight about to start~

In a certain area within the forest were a group of seven snake women wearing black masks that hid their faces, their short hair colors were 2 reds, a yellow, a green, a blue, and 2 more blondes as other than their hair it was like these women were copies of each other, their bodies covered in a snugly fitted cloth that could distract any horny lad that saw their toned bodies, large breasts, slithering tails.

they came from the beast kingdom to rein in a possible ally before their enemies could do so.

they were to act as honey traps when needed or to offer themselves if needed their strengths ranged from fourth tiered aura users to the peak of fifth tiered aura users the beast kingdom was the weakest of all of the kingdoms in terms of resources and mostly thanks to their heritage of being half-monsters.

they are abhorred and scorned by others which is one of the reasons why they are so desperate as thanks to having a lack of resources they have to resort to stealing from the other kingdoms thus earning them the label as a kingdom of bandits, but the interesting thing about them was all the beastmen within the beast kingdom supported one another making them the most united compared to the other kingdoms.

the Snake women were given numbers for names as they stayed low and other of sight making them excellent assassins, as one of them was finishing off one of the enemy spies by sliding a bone through the side of their neck before ripping it out.

"seven to one, one more confirmed kill here."

she was one of the red-haired snake girls had a bell-like voice yet it was cold and vicious as she scanned the person that she just killed for any indication of their faction but sadly there was none, so she returned to the others before a voice just like hers replied.

"Seven, any luck with where they are from?"

The girl named Seven shook her head lightly before asking a question of her own.

"Any word of how many groups we have to deal with?"

the girl named One looked at her sister solemnly before scratching her red hair in frustration then answered with a heavy tone.

"All seven kingdoms had sent their spies around here-"

Seven cut her off by asking with a tone full of burning fury.

"Even those three bastards!?"

One knew who she was talking about thus nodded with the same angry look that her sister had, as she understood fully well as where she was coming from the so-called 'three bastards' had attacked them numerous times from the originally 33 sisters only seven were left as the others perished from the strange obsession those three men had raping their female victims to death.

Leading to the straight-up bloody feud they now held for the other.

but there was little of what they can do other than fully utilize their stealth abilities to the fullest.

Thanks to the lack of necessary resources the highest any of them had ever reached were the peak of the fifth tier within their clan while the rest of the kingdom used it on the ones that protected their people.

But it was still a struggle to keep their kingdom intact to where, in fact, it couldn't really be called a kingdom more like a large encampment that could be moved when necessary, as they also lacked powerful allies to support them when needed.


One sighed before taking her sister to the rest of their group after blending in with the environment.

They failed to notice the little ant that was watching them since they were distracted from the current troubles that plagued them.

(A/N Some brutal scenes coming along so read at your own risk!)

near the large lake within the forest, a few dead bodies littered the area with men ripped apart while the women were covered in cloudy fluids, as the dead ones bled from their noses, eyes somewhat popped out, with their innards dangling from their still open mouth as parts of the abdomen of the victims were crushed, pieces of flesh from their breasts were ripped and numerous bite marks that swelled up thanks to the damage done underneath.

the sound of grunting could be heard from three people as the sound of muffled whimpering intermixed with it,

the last survivor of the group was suffering from the monstrously powerful freaks of nature as the three men had an absurd amount of strength and defense making this early phased sixth tier aura user last a bit longer before her body also broke under the three's relentless fucking starting from her waist that was crushed, then her breasts that popped from being squeezed so hard then her neck broke from the last man that was strangling her as all three of the men climaxed.

The three men separated themselves from the now dead woman as they sighed in satisfaction before looking at the damage they made with disgust then one of them kicked the body to the rest of the pile of bodies.

They are called the bronze-skinned brothers, thanks to their tanned skin and the incredible amount of defense that they had made them practically unmatched against those with the same tier all three of them had the rank of a middle staged the sixth tier.

but obviously, there were downsides to their strength and power, for one they had very low fertility even more so with women of their tribe to which was also extremely rare, thus their method of eliminating any women through fucking if a woman manages to survive even a session the victim's fate is sealed until they eventually died.

The king of Danivol that they served under actually encouraged their actions as there was one seven left of their people thus the desperate manner to grow their numbers was a nightmare for any enemy kingdom that had to deal with them.

The seeming leader of the three was called Steel tooth, was annoyed that there weren't any women that could handle a single session, he was also pissed off at his brothers for joining it after they had killed the other women, but then again their tribe tended to lose themselves when they 'enjoy' themselves.

But he still had to teach them a lesson thus he approached the closest one, his younger who was called copper head who was only 16 years old as he giggled while thinking that his brother wanted to play with him, before receiving a powerful kick that sent him skidding off of the lake then crashing into a few trees.

the victim laughed like a child as this happened.

The next one who was called 'half-grip' had an 'oh shit!' look on his face as he attempted to run away only for the one after him to decide to uproot a nearby tree then smacked his brother into the ground with the tree repeatedly until the tree broke.

this showed off how powerful their natural defenses were as even Half-grip that buried more than six feet under climbed out easily before rubbing the back of his head in apologies, while Copper head... he just came back for another kick...

But Steel tooth's attention was turned towards an ant that moved unnaturally compared to what he understood thus he called his brothers over and followed the strange ant with interest as they didn't really fear anything thanks to their bodies and also because they were bored.

While this scene happened a group of people covered in garbed in a distance watching this scene with disturbed looks, as they sure as hell can't handle these guys but what really made them disturbed was where they were heading...

The three freaks of nature were towards their direction at first they pegged it as the three were randomly moving to whatever direction as they pleased but that quickly changed when one of the three uprooted a tree then sent it heading their way!

Next chapter