
Wet Clothes

After dinner, Sean and Cleo went their separate ways. Usually, Sean would offer to take a woman home so late at night, but he had spotted a familiar figure secretly waiting outside, so he decided to give the man an opportunity.

After he left, Cleo started walking towards the bus stop. As she checked her watch, the roar of thunder suddenly startled her. A storm had been brewing all night and it seemed as though it had decided to finally pour down at that moment.

A few drops of water hit Cleo's head and she immediately started running. Just as the rain started getting heavier, she sensed something cover her.

Cleo quickly glanced to the side in surprise.

It was Max. He was using his jacket to cover both of them from the rain.

Why was he there?

"Max, what are you doing here?" Cleo asked.

Max and Cleo quickly ran under the bus shelter and shook the water off their bodies.

"I saw that a storm was coming, so I waited for you," Max replied. "I was worried that you'd get wet."

Cleo looked at the soaked man and laughed. Why was he so pure-hearted?

She then pulled out some tissues from her handbag and started wiping his head and face. "You should have come with an umbrella or something. You're going to get sick like this."

"My car is actually parked across the street. The rain just beat me," he said as he pointed to a car opposite the bus shelter.

As he spoke, he noticed the woman had moved in fairly close to him and her top had turned slightly see through from the rain. So, his heart started racing as he quickly covered her with his jacket. "Be careful not to catch a cold," he said awkwardly as he looked away and blushed.

Cleo glanced down and realized why the man was blushing. She then wrapped herself in the jacket and tried her best to hold back her laughter. What a shy man.

"Come back to my place and dry off a bit," Cleo offered.

Max looked at the woman. She looked so vulnerable with her wet hair and clothes. How could she invite a man into her home at a time like this? It was much too dangerous. Even he couldn't trust himself.

Suddenly, "Achoo!", Max sneezed.

He had been so busy worrying about Cleo that he forgot he was wet too.

Before he got the chance to reject the woman, Cleo grabbed his hand and dragged him across the street. "Come on, let's get you dry," she said in a domineering tone.

In the end, Max had no choice but to go to Cleo's home.

As soon as he entered the little apartment, Cleo grabbed a towel and started patting his shoulders dry. She then proceeded to wipe his head. She was so close to him that he could feel her warm breaths on his neck, each puff sending tingles down his spine.

Cleo glanced at the man and noticed him staring at her. Only then did she realize how close she had gotten to him; there was only a few centimetres between their bodies.

From this distance, she expected to smell cigarettes from the man's breath and the offensive scent of sweat, but this man had an alluring smell of aftershave and cologne instead. It made him extra manly. Perhaps, this was how she had been subconsciously drawn to him.

"How was dinner today?" Max's deep manly voice asked beside her ear, breaking the awkward silence.

His breath was minty and his voice was caring. It seemed, he hadn't smoked for a while.

"It was good. I think we should go together next time," Cleo replied as she looked the man in the eyes.

An air of ambiguity surrounded the two as they stared at each other.

Sure, Max wasn't skinny, but he still had some defined arm and chest muscles that peeked through his wet shirt. If he lost a bit of weight, women would be throwing themselves onto him. But, Cleo found him oddly attractive even in his current state.

Perhaps, it was his gentle caring nature or his determination to change for her. Just because she told him smoking was bad, he immediately cut down on his cigarettes; just because she told him he should eat healthier, he stopped ordering takeout; just because she told him exercise was good for him, he started going to the gym everyday. They were simple words of advice, but he took them to heart and she noticed; she had been noticing for the past week.

Feeling slightly moved by the man's actions, Cleo suddenly leaned forward.

Max felt his heart almost jump out of his chest. Why was she leaning in? Was she about to do what he was thinking? He had been pursuing this woman for a while, but she always seemed out of his league. Yet, what was she doing right now? Was she about to take the initiative?

No way! He couldn't let that happen! He was a man, he should take the initiative!

With that thought, Max gently cupped his soft hands around the woman's cheeks. The woman's lips parted slightly and her eyes closed.

Max smiled.

He was right. As he held his breath nervously, he gently pressed his lips against hers.

Maximus circled the couple's feet, but Max had no time to be frightened. All his hard work had paid off and he wasn't letting anything get in the way.

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