

Elena's office was as boring as a typical lab. The entire office was painted in pure white with a shiny white ceramic floor that was so clean that it reflected your reflection.

But the most striking thing in this room was the absence of decorations such as ornamental plants, paintings, or anything like that so that the entire room felt stiff and cold without devoid of any homey feeling whatsoever, and worst of all, the place smelled like disinfectant. 

Lory didn't know how people could work in a place like this, did Elena never felt depressed being stuck in a place like this for a long time.

The only decoration in that place is a bookshelf containing thick books that Lory knows she will never read even if the enemy points his guns on her head.

This office has two large tables, one table with a large computer screen and another long table filled with a microscope, some Erlenmeyer flask on the table, and various strange tools for experiments.


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