When they arrived at Hamilton Manor, Lilly was waiting for Lory and she immediately opened her arms to welcome Lory and inevitably Zhao Li Xin as well "Welcome back Raven! Hey, what do you think about the car? Do you like it, Is it good?" Lilly rained Lory with a question while grinning from ear to ear with anticipation.
"It's great, Thank you for lending me your car!" Lory handed Lilly the car keys gratefully.
"It's nothing," Lilly happily said but then noticed Zhao Li Xin's presence, she didn't want to be rude so Lilly greeted him with a polite nod, "Good evening, Mr. Zhao"
Because Zhao Li Xin often heard those words from hearing people greet each other, Zhao Li Xin understood the meaning of that sentence.
Zhao Li Xin then nodded in response in a fairly simple manner, "Good…evening" he answered with a bit of an accent which only made him look more mysterious than already was.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: