
The sacrifice We Make for Love

Lory awakes with Darkness surrounding her like a thick blanket that offers no light causing her unable to see her own hands, Lory doesn't even sure if she already opens her eyes or not cause it makes no difference whatsoever, she then touches her face before harshly squeeze her cheeks just to make sure this was real.

" Ouch" Lory rubbed her cheeks then sigh, 'why am I in darkness again' she lament helplessly, however, something felt different she doesn't feel afraid or suffocated like she used to when she was dragged into darkness, "Why is that? Oh, Where is Zhao Li Xin? Oh my god, I need to find him!" Lory quickly got up while fumbling in the darkness then suddenly a familiar voice called her.

'Lory come here'

"Girsha?" Lory turns her head left and right to find where it comes from.

'Come here, why does it always take you so long to wake?' Girsha's voice sound impatient as he nagged her like always.


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