

Arthea woke up from his bed when he opened her bedroom door, Demian saw her then threw away his toys without care and crawled towards her excitedly, it seem the baby miss her very much, meanwhile, the aroma of stewed meat filled the room, bringing comfort and warmth to the whole place. 

Arthea knelt down welcoming Demian's excited greeting then she picked up the cute baby then took him to the wooden couch near the fireplace and played with the adorable baby for a while before she turned her head towards Mery.

"Any news from my brother?" Arthea asks.

Merry nodded her head then she answered politely, "Yes, miss. An Eagle has just come in with the message from the master telling he has managed to lead Byroft to the south where the White Peak mountain is."

"When did this news come?" she asked again.

"Two days ago only at that time, you were sleeping so we didn't dare disturb you" Merry explained.


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