
The Twin Kings of Heaven

Lory had no strength left against that creatures even though she can leave it to Girsha but by then this whole cave will be collapsed and what will happen to everyone inside, Ming Yue Ying, Yang Xi Ying, the stupid boy, and most of all what going to happen to her beloved husband Zhao Li Xin and Girsha also know this.

[Lory, you better have a plan!] Girsha shouted in urgency. 

[Like what? I got nothing!] Lory shrieked in panic.

[Well, you better had one and fast!] Girsha insisted.

Lory then rebuked in a sarcastic tone [Well, that's comforting!]

Girsha turns into a glowing orb before merging with Lory, meanwhile, a fiery creature roars at Lory ready to wreak its vengeance, Lory clenched her fists then picked up her sword from the ground, and took a stance preparing for the next fight.


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